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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **master**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Lidarr within an existing docker container.*** Doing so will prevent audio fingerprinting from working and break your Lidarr installation if you ever delete and re-create the container.
    * [0ef7c34]( New: Added health check warning if SABnzbd sorting is enabled [ [#3266](, [#3792]( ]
    * [4779bd1]( Multiple Translations updated by Weblate
    * [3066c80]( Prevent `Sequence contains no elements` when album isn't synced to Lidarr
    * [bd531ef]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [016ff25]( Fixed: Invalid image URL if Album is missing background image
    * [9457fec]( New: Improve empty list messaging [ [#3820]( ]
    * [67e9ce9]( Fixed: Invalid image URL if Artist is missing background image
    * [54af0ca]( Allow array of string as value in EnhancedSelectInput
    * [5f2cfe0]( Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) [skip ci]
    * [83689c1]( Fix translation in RemoveQueueItemModal
    * [b71ecc4]( Fixed ternary condition for country and format in AlbumReleaseSelect
    * [17b32dd]( Add more trace logs related info to bug\_report.yml [skip ci]
    * [0d372dd]( Automated API Docs update [skip ci]
    * [82cb0f1]( New: Search library by MusicBrainz ID [ [#3813]( ]
    * [4ee3d58]( Remove not implemented endpoints from API docs [ [#3812]( ]
    * [038b121]( Convert to 'using' declaration in Housekeeping Tasks [ [#3811]( ]
    * [e6ceafa]( Prevent NullRef when deleting missing backups [ [#3809]( ]
    * [361eb2e]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional) (zh\_TW)) [skip ci]
    * [7444c0e]( New: Indexer Messaging and Error Improvements
    * [ec98528]( Translated using Weblate (German) [skip ci]
    * [f6d01f8]( Add `skip ci` to API docs update commit
    * [ca85b72]( Add missing translations for Queue page
    * [af30828]( Close database connection in housekeeping task
    * [6de2f4b]( Fix sorting queue items by size
    * [80fccbb]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [c4b3df5]( Bump version to 1.2.6
    * [504ebd8]( Update CSS typings for InteractiveSearch
    * [f5fb4aa]( Improved page loading errors in PageSectionContent
    * [27b2984]( Added padding to search tab to maintain visual consistancy
    * [8a88cfc]( New: Improved page loading errors [ [#3804]( ]
    * [699f3e0]( Update translation files
    * [ebf579e]( Minor improvements in health checks [ [#3752]( ]
    * [048cbe9]( Fixed: Limit Discord embed title length to 256 characters [ [#3796]( ]
    * [9bc318e]( Update translations [ [#3797]( ]
    * [bc3ec36]( Automated API Docs update
    * [ef6ae43]( Update cleansing rules for RSS TL feed and homedir for Mac [ [#3791]( ]
    * [8624e04]( Fixed: Treat redirects as errors in Sonarr Import List [ [#3799]( ]
    * [7586202]( Require ApiKey for all actions in SonarrImport [ [#3798]( ]
    * [e4341a1]( Add HelpTextWarning support in FieldDefinition [ [#3793]( ]
    * [2d320eb]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [4cf86bf]( Fixed: Correctly handle 302 and 303 redirects in HttpClient
    * [c9c1df6]( Fixed: Handle checkingResumeData state form qBittorrent
    * [c70ab07]( Update translations
    * [447aa83]( Update Remote Path Mapping delete modal title [ [#3787]( ]
    * [866bb4c]( Bump version to 1.2.5
    * [2705cbd]( Translated using Weblate (Russian) [skip ci]
    * [fce2d0b]( Use more specific styling for kinds in ProgressBar
    * [ad26a5d]( Translated using Weblate (Greek) [skip ci]
    * [7ce749c]( Bump version to 1.2.4
    * [c1599b3]( Translated using Weblate (French) [skip ci]
    * [70bbd89]( New: Include CustomFormats for CustomScript on Grab [ [#3019]( ]
    * [ff73eab]( Update SixLabors.ImageSharp, MailKit, DryIoc libraries [ [#3478]( ]
    * [7444beb]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [bd5aaf9]( Artist index poster improvements
    * [f0fceb1]( Fixed: Remove Rarbg Indexer due to site shutdown
    * [2641108]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [80c915d]( Automated API Docs update
    * [539bd17]( Fixed: Don't log handled exceptions in API
    * [346f1b0]( Revert "Fixed: Don't log handled exceptions in API"
    * [937a851]( Fix Localization Serialization
    * [9f1ec2a]( Automated API Docs update
    * [d400685]( Add some API attributes
    * [1d034d8]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [587b6b4]( Automated API Docs update
    * [35c9baf]( Check for nullable last activity list sync
    * [0b029b6]( New: Rework List sync interval logic
    * [69c7d52]( Fixed: Don't enforce minimum on single list fetch
    * [444a801]( Align logs filename with upstream
    * [c5bc9d8]( Translated using Weblate (Polish) [skip ci]
    * [4ccf753]( Automated API Docs update
    * [e5f9855]( Add minimum length as const in ApiKeyValidationCheck [ [#3755]( ]
    * [1eb5f2d]( Faster tag view in UI for large libraries [ [#3762]( ]
    * [59b4441]( Fixed: Enforce validation warnings [ [#3761]( ]
    * [a05082b]( Simplify ShouldHaveApiKey and HasErrors
    * [d762d5f]( Bump version to 1.2.3
    * [4e18f8b]( Fixed: Use relative paths instead of absolute paths for webmanifest
    * [cc27107]( Use 'var' instead of explicit type [ [#3749]( ]
    * [1481630]( Inline 'out' variable declarations [ [#3748]( ]
    * [ad78a9e]( Standardize variable declaration [ [#3746](, [#3747]( ]
    * [bac43d9]( Enforce rule IDE0005 on build [ [#3745]( ]
    * [9bbf32a]( Deserialize asynchronously in LocalizationService [ [#3751]( ]
    * [adcba7b]( Use Array.Empty and fix a few multiple enumerations [ [#3451]( ]
    * [a8db5b2]( Fixed: Webhook notification error messages [ [#3740]( ]
    * [2638c85]( Fixed: A really important spelling mistake [ [#3739]( ]
    * [f00d304]( Fixed: Strip additional domains from release names [ [#3738]( ]
    * [8d4f4d8]( New: Filter SABnzbd queue by category [ [#3737]( ]
    * [47f9467]( Fixed: Don't log handled exceptions in API [ [#3736]( ]
    * [8036247]( Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) [skip ci]
    * [e149476]( Add Prettier to format TypeScript files
    * [9f39443]( Add CSS typings
    * [eacaf9b]( Add typescript
    * [f38f00c]( Fixed: Don't rollback file move if destination already exists [ #5610 ]
    * [a3d56e3]( Translated using Weblate (French) [skip ci]
    * [8899e0f]( Use project name as relative path in builds
    * [3e7c42e]( Automated API Docs update
    * [b30dec1]( Rename Clearart to Clearlogo, use png for Clearlogo [ [#3721]( ]
    * [3cf8248]( Fixed: Don't download unknown artwork [ [#3719]( ]
    * [7743fd8]( New: Signal Notifications
    * [d6a0931]( Fix spelling "Use languages from Torznab/Newznab attributes if given" [ [#3711]( ]
    * [b01852f]( New: Use languages from Torznab/Newznab attributes if given [ [#3701]( ]
    * [c0b892f]( Add FindByName to IsoLanguage [ [#3699](, [#3700]( ]
    * [fc6748e]( New: Improve validation messages [ [#3716]( ]
    * [86f14ed]( Minor CS improvements in NzbDroneValidation [ [#3714](, [#3715]( ]
    * [8f4f514]( Fix tests in IndexerServiceFixture [ [#3709](, [#3710]( ]
    * [feebe67]( Fix tests in SpotifyMappingFixture
    * [bbbf903]( Fix tests in TorrentDownloadStationFixture
    * [14f1374]( Bump version to 1.2.2
    * [511dacd]( Fixed tests in DownloadServiceFixture [ [#3706]( ]
    * [608eb10]( Fixed: Don't move seeding torrents in Synology Download Station [ [#3705]( ]
    * [14f5a94]( Fixed: Don't retry grabbing the same release if download client is unavailable [ [#3704]( ]
    * [771325c]( Fixed: Exception when request to SABnzbd times out [ [#3702](, [#3703]( ]
    * [f6d694a]( Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) [skip ci]
    * [28e4186]( New: Show current tags for Connections [ [#3696]( ]
    * [5d1a2a3]( Update translation files
    * [62edb80]( Automated API Docs update
    * [0199b40]( Update translation files
    * [9b6d052]( New: Advanced settings toggle in indexer edit/add modal [ [#3686]( ]
    * [2967733]( Add `forceSave` to the OpenAPI docs [ [#3683]( ]
    * [c03335d]( New: Add path mapping for partial library updates in Plex Server Notifications
    * [9246cb0]( Fixed: Use indexer errors from response if Content-Type is XML before processing response
    * [1ba1dbe]( Sort tags by label [ [#3678]( ]
    * [a0c095e]( Fixed: Log name of mount point failure
    * [ea82c4f]( Fix checking for SameTorrent when the indexer is null
    * [64d3264]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [40c5560]( New: Improved Plex library updating [ [#3438](, [#3445](, [#3465]( ]
    * [d43d404]( Automated API Docs update
    * [1fb31a4]( Fix validation for boolean query parameters [ [#3671]( ]
    * [0dcfb9e]( Use string interpolation in formatBytes [ [#3673]( ]
    * [7abf35d]( Automated API Docs update
    * [d03e472]( Fixed: Register PostgresOptions when running in utility mode
    * [bdcb371]( Translated using Weblate (Turkish) [skip ci]
    * [f308549]( Don't clean slashes from folder names
    * [b6967ae]( New: Colon replacement naming option
    * [35248c2]( Rename fields from Tv to Music in download clients settings
    * [3a580ea]( Fixed: Prevent unknown settings implementation from failing to deserialize
    * [0596865]( Bump version to 1.2.1
    * [e35f38f]( Fix function name and use out var for try get in DownloadClientProvider
    * [6ae9741]( Fixed: Provider health checks persist after add until next scheduled check [ [#3661]( ]
    * [f621d3c]( Update UI dependencies
    * [1372318]( Add `inset` to stylelintrc [ [#3626]( ]
    * [4f600c3]( Remove unused babel plugins and fix build with profiling [ [#3625]( ]
    * [a1f0982]( Update all relevant dev tool deps [ [#3624]( ]
    * [a5b9951]( Add Pull Request Labeler
    * [8c17a5f]( Remove empty constructors [ [#3650]( ]
    * [f19c6e8]( Remove unused imports [ [#3651]( ]
    * [ddb8c8d]( Use Environment.ProcessPath instead of GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName
    * [add2a3a]( New: Log additional information when processing completed torrents from rTorrent
    * [a3c33fe]( Fix namespace for CustomFormatController
    * [150c76f]( New: Option to include series image for Gotify notifications [ [#3240]( ]
    * [ecf6300]( Switch to eslint for linting [ [#3350]( ]
    * [87e702c]( Fixed: Don't buffer update package to memory when downloading [ [#3639](, [#3641]( ]
    * [eca3776]( Replace UC preset with VC
    * [d61b851]( Automated API Docs update
    * [5b701aa]( New: On Health Restored notification [ [#3631](, [#3637]( ]
    * [42ed5f4]( New: Add support for Simplepush notifications
    * [9279ca9]( New: Send additional information with Webhook and Custom Scripts [ [#3069]( ]
    * [dc5a524]( New: Add indexer option for Discord on grab notifications
    * [ace0f26]( Why rename many files when few file do trick
    * [a8e6616]( GracePeriod not Graceperiod
    * [8b512ca]( API key improvements [ [#3636]( ]
    * [7f3ccf6]( Fixed: Ensure indexer errors are handled before processing response [ [#3628]( ]
    * [7c38714]( Fixed: custom script error when importing some downloads [ [#3627]( ]
    * [46b5e9b]( Delete various old config files [ [#3619]( ]
    * [5032886]( Log invalid config file exceptions [ [#3618]( ]
    * [96f5231]( Add VSCode extension recommendations
    * [c40d364]( Move vscode settings to the frontend folder
    * [bfb3c63]( New: Only add version header for API requests
    * [c3e44cc]( New: Add token authentication for notifications
    * [625787d]( New: Translations support for Health Checks
    * [8368a80]( Escape search query and use string interpolation for Headphones request generation
    * [5ce376d]( Don't lowercase UrlBase in ConfigFileProvider
    * [8322488]( New: Log content for invalid torrent files
    * [565c05c]( Use MinBy and MaxBy instead of OrderBy + First [ [#3485]( ]
    * [8dbc522]( New: More information on on why hardlinks should be used over copying [ [#3519]( ]
    * [0d2d361]( New: Add version and timestamp to backup archive [ [#3525]( ]
    * [f26e051]( Fixed IsValidPath usages [ [#3470]( ]
    * [d0f75e2]( New: Improve path validation when handling paths from different OSes [ [#3466]( ]
    * [24056fd]( Fixed: File browser
    * [fe0abd5]( Fix track lookup in integration tests
    * [5765829]( Update caniuse-lite
    * [1cb826b]( Auto-reply for Log Label [ [#3564]( ]
    * [ba4e3b4]( New: Report health error if Recycling Bin folder is not writable
    * [d317c3d]( Fixed: (Headphones) Use custom download request [ [#3595]( ]
    * [bfe917a]( New: Filter Sonarr synchronization based on Root Folders [ [#3569]( ]
    * [f026fea]( add trace log checkbox to bug report [ [#3601](, [#3602]( ]
    * [14a77d8]( Automated API Docs update
    * [3b0289e]( Fixed: (Redacted) Use Api Key for downloading
    * [45329f2]( New: Add result to commands to report commands that did not complete successfully
    * [8f3aba7]( bump github actions to latest
    * [a7e4a85]( Fix downloading releases without an indexer [ [#3598]( ]
    * [8a685be]( Adding Artist Id, Album Id, and Track Artist Id as file name options.
    * [8ea54b6]( Use BuildInfo.AppName for RARBG appId instead of hardcoded value [ [#3570]( ]
    * [09cc4c2]( New: Updated Rarbg request limits [ [#3526]( ]
    * [4da68ce]( Fixed: Show Error Message if no Manual Import Mode selected
    * [5380d78]( Build download requests from indexer implementation [ [#3590](, [#3593]( ]
    * [1ffc0cb]( Update translation files
    * [d9cc5b3]( New: Updated button and calendar outline colors for dark theme [ [#3588]( ]
    * [1d09ddf]( Fixed: Border hover colors in dark theme [ [#3554]( ]
    * [4782922]( Fixed some aria violations [ [#3589]( ]
    * [dec6c32]( Fix loading eslintrc [ [#3591]( ]
    * [89972b8]( Fixed: Missing Translates
    * [f8d0d4a]( Bump Swashbuckle to 6.5.0
    * [4de315f]( Remove unused gulpFile [ [#3575](, [#3583]( ]
    * [e145574]( Update webpack and webpack-cli [ [#3584](, [#3576]( ]
    * [ffaa880]( Update core-js and use defaults for browserlist [ [#3585](, [#3579]( ]
    * [3dfeea2]( Fixed: Edit Quality Profile not opening
    * [e83de41]( Automated API Docs update
    * [90dfb55]( New: (Notifications) Add Apprise
    * [6ea561f]( Frontend Placeholders from the Backend
    * [d024497]( Fixed: Ignore `VA` artists in Redacted
    * [0a0ddf2]( New: Option to use Telegram topics for notifications
    * [ea0a78b]( Fixed: Migrate to FluentValidation 9
    * [9259ad7]( Convert method to static that doesn't use instance data
    * [2a980e6]( Fixed: Some posters not showing for new series search results
    * [9c7b6ef]( Fixed: Null reference processing import with no download client info
    * [933facd]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [3961bbb]( Fix typo in calendarBackgroundColor CSS variable
    * [734e8fd]( Use minified jquery
    * [fbb05dc]( Fixed: (Gazelle) Add `usetoken` only if use FL token is enabled
    * [2cabc3e]( Rename `CC` to `Cc`
    * [529ea26]( Remove mono process detection
    * [95f30b2]( Fixed: Exception thrown when marking download as complete
    * [47d0aca]( Fixed: Null reference processing failed import for unknown album
    * [1374fb1]( Fixed: (UI) Show the correct path in delete artist modal
    * [b4db8fc]( Bump version to 1.2.0
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [504ebd8]( Update CSS typings for InteractiveSearch
    * [f5fb4aa]( Improved page loading errors in PageSectionContent
    * [27b2984]( Added padding to search tab to maintain visual consistancy
    * [8a88cfc]( New: Improved page loading errors [ [#3804]( ]
    * [699f3e0]( Update translation files
    * [ebf579e]( Minor improvements in health checks [ [#3752]( ]
    * [048cbe9]( Fixed: Limit Discord embed title length to 256 characters [ [#3796]( ]
    * [9bc318e]( Update translations [ [#3797]( ]
    * [bc3ec36]( Automated API Docs update
    * [ef6ae43]( Update cleansing rules for RSS TL feed and homedir for Mac [ [#3791]( ]
    **See More**
    * [8624e04]( Fixed: Treat redirects as errors in Sonarr Import List [ [#3799]( ]
    * [7586202]( Require ApiKey for all actions in SonarrImport [ [#3798]( ]
    * [e4341a1]( Add HelpTextWarning support in FieldDefinition [ [#3793]( ]
    * [2d320eb]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [4cf86bf]( Fixed: Correctly handle 302 and 303 redirects in HttpClient
    * [c9c1df6]( Fixed: Handle checkingResumeData state form qBittorrent
    * [c70ab07]( Update translations
    * [447aa83]( Update Remote Path Mapping delete modal title [ [#3787]( ]
    * [866bb4c]( Bump version to 1.2.5
    * [2705cbd]( Translated using Weblate (Russian) [skip ci]
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [fce2d0b]( Use more specific styling for kinds in ProgressBar
    * [ad26a5d]( Translated using Weblate (Greek) [skip ci]
    * [7ce749c]( Bump version to 1.2.4
    * [c1599b3]( Translated using Weblate (French) [skip ci]
    * [70bbd89]( New: Include CustomFormats for CustomScript on Grab [ [#3019]( ]
    * [ff73eab]( Update SixLabors.ImageSharp, MailKit, DryIoc libraries [ [#3478]( ]
    * [7444beb]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [bd5aaf9]( Artist index poster improvements
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [f0fceb1]( Fixed: Remove Rarbg Indexer due to site shutdown
    * [2641108]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [80c915d]( Automated API Docs update
    * [539bd17]( Fixed: Don't log handled exceptions in API
    * [346f1b0]( Revert "Fixed: Don't log handled exceptions in API"
    * [937a851]( Fix Localization Serialization
    * [9f1ec2a]( Automated API Docs update
    * [d400685]( Add some API attributes
    * [1d034d8]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [587b6b4]( Automated API Docs update
    **See More**
    * [35c9baf]( Check for nullable last activity list sync
    * [0b029b6]( New: Rework List sync interval logic
    * [69c7d52]( Fixed: Don't enforce minimum on single list fetch
    * [444a801]( Align logs filename with upstream
    * [c5bc9d8]( Translated using Weblate (Polish) [skip ci]
    * [4ccf753]( Automated API Docs update
    * [e5f9855]( Add minimum length as const in ApiKeyValidationCheck [ [#3755]( ]
    * [1eb5f2d]( Faster tag view in UI for large libraries [ [#3762]( ]
    * [59b4441]( Fixed: Enforce validation warnings [ [#3761]( ]
    * [a05082b]( Simplify ShouldHaveApiKey and HasErrors
    * [d762d5f]( Bump version to 1.2.3
    * [4e18f8b]( Fixed: Use relative paths instead of absolute paths for webmanifest
    * [cc27107]( Use 'var' instead of explicit type [ [#3749]( ]
    * [1481630]( Inline 'out' variable declarations [ [#3748]( ]
    * [ad78a9e]( Standardize variable declaration [ [#3746](, [#3747]( ]
    * [bac43d9]( Enforce rule IDE0005 on build [ [#3745]( ]
    * [9bbf32a]( Deserialize asynchronously in LocalizationService [ [#3751]( ]
    * [adcba7b]( Use Array.Empty and fix a few multiple enumerations [ [#3451]( ]
    * [a8db5b2]( Fixed: Webhook notification error messages [ [#3740]( ]
    * [2638c85]( Fixed: A really important spelling mistake [ [#3739]( ]
    * [f00d304]( Fixed: Strip additional domains from release names [ [#3738]( ]
    * [8d4f4d8]( New: Filter SABnzbd queue by category [ [#3737]( ]
    * [47f9467]( Fixed: Don't log handled exceptions in API [ [#3736]( ]
    * [8036247]( Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) [skip ci]
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [e149476]( Add Prettier to format TypeScript files
    * [9f39443]( Add CSS typings
    * [eacaf9b]( Add typescript
    * [f38f00c]( Fixed: Don't rollback file move if destination already exists [ #5610 ]
    * [8899e0f]( Use project name as relative path in builds
    * [3e7c42e]( Automated API Docs update
    * [b30dec1]( Rename Clearart to Clearlogo, use png for Clearlogo [ [#3721]( ]
    * [3cf8248]( Fixed: Don't download unknown artwork [ [#3719]( ]
    * [7743fd8]( New: Signal Notifications
    * [d6a0931]( Fix spelling "Use languages from Torznab/Newznab attributes if given" [ [#3711]( ]
    * [b01852f]( New: Use languages from Torznab/Newznab attributes if given [ [#3701]( ]
    * [c0b892f]( Add FindByName to IsoLanguage [ [#3699](, [#3700]( ]
    * [fc6748e]( New: Improve validation messages [ [#3716]( ]
    * [86f14ed]( Minor CS improvements in NzbDroneValidation [ [#3714](, [#3715]( ]
    * [8f4f514]( Fix tests in IndexerServiceFixture [ [#3709](, [#3710]( ]
    * [feebe67]( Fix tests in SpotifyMappingFixture
    * [bbbf903]( Fix tests in TorrentDownloadStationFixture
    * [14f1374]( Bump version to 1.2.2
    * [511dacd]( Fixed tests in DownloadServiceFixture [ [#3706]( ]
    * [608eb10]( Fixed: Don't move seeding torrents in Synology Download Station [ [#3705]( ]
    * [14f5a94]( Fixed: Don't retry grabbing the same release if download client is unavailable [ [#3704]( ]
    * [771325c]( Fixed: Exception when request to SABnzbd times out [ [#3702](, [#3703]( ]
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [28e4186]( New: Show current tags for Connections [ [#3696]( ]
    * [5d1a2a3]( Update translation files
    * [62edb80]( Automated API Docs update
    * [0199b40]( Update translation files
    * [9b6d052]( New: Advanced settings toggle in indexer edit/add modal [ [#3686]( ]
    * [2967733]( Add `forceSave` to the OpenAPI docs [ [#3683]( ]
    * [c03335d]( New: Add path mapping for partial library updates in Plex Server Notifications
    * [9246cb0]( Fixed: Use indexer errors from response if Content-Type is XML before processing response
    * [1ba1dbe]( Sort tags by label [ [#3678]( ]
    * [a0c095e]( Fixed: Log name of mount point failure
    **See More**
    * [ea82c4f]( Fix checking for SameTorrent when the indexer is null
    * [64d3264]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [40c5560]( New: Improved Plex library updating [ [#3438](, [#3445](, [#3465]( ]
    * [d43d404]( Automated API Docs update
    * [1fb31a4]( Fix validation for boolean query parameters [ [#3671]( ]
    * [0dcfb9e]( Use string interpolation in formatBytes [ [#3673]( ]
    * [7abf35d]( Automated API Docs update
    * [d03e472]( Fixed: Register PostgresOptions when running in utility mode
    * [bdcb371]( Translated using Weblate (Turkish) [skip ci]
    * [f308549]( Don't clean slashes from folder names
    * [b6967ae]( New: Colon replacement naming option
    * [35248c2]( Rename fields from Tv to Music in download clients settings
    * [3a580ea]( Fixed: Prevent unknown settings implementation from failing to deserialize
    * [0596865]( Bump version to 1.2.1
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [e35f38f]( Fix function name and use out var for try get in DownloadClientProvider
    * [6ae9741]( Fixed: Provider health checks persist after add until next scheduled check [ [#3661]( ]
    * [f621d3c]( Update UI dependencies
    * [1372318]( Add `inset` to stylelintrc [ [#3626]( ]
    * [4f600c3]( Remove unused babel plugins and fix build with profiling [ [#3625]( ]
    * [a1f0982]( Update all relevant dev tool deps [ [#3624]( ]
    * [a5b9951]( Add Pull Request Labeler
    * [8c17a5f]( Remove empty constructors [ [#3650]( ]
    * [f19c6e8]( Remove unused imports [ [#3651]( ]
    * [ddb8c8d]( Use Environment.ProcessPath instead of GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName
    * [add2a3a]( New: Log additional information when processing completed torrents from rTorrent
    * [a3c33fe]( Fix namespace for CustomFormatController
    * [150c76f]( New: Option to include series image for Gotify notifications [ [#3240]( ]
    * [ecf6300]( Switch to eslint for linting [ [#3350]( ]
    * [87e702c]( Fixed: Don't buffer update package to memory when downloading [ [#3639](, [#3641]( ]
    * [eca3776]( Replace UC preset with VC
    * [d61b851]( Automated API Docs update
    * [5b701aa]( New: On Health Restored notification [ [#3631](, [#3637]( ]
    * [42ed5f4]( New: Add support for Simplepush notifications
    * [9279ca9]( New: Send additional information with Webhook and Custom Scripts [ [#3069]( ]
    * [dc5a524]( New: Add indexer option for Discord on grab notifications
    * [ace0f26]( Why rename many files when few file do trick
    * [a8e6616]( GracePeriod not Graceperiod
    * [8b512ca]( API key improvements [ [#3636]( ]
    * [7f3ccf6]( Fixed: Ensure indexer errors are handled before processing response [ [#3628]( ]
    * [7c38714]( Fixed: custom script error when importing some downloads [ [#3627]( ]
    * [46b5e9b]( Delete various old config files [ [#3619]( ]
    * [5032886]( Log invalid config file exceptions [ [#3618]( ]
    * [96f5231]( Add VSCode extension recommendations
    * [c40d364]( Move vscode settings to the frontend folder
    * [bfb3c63]( New: Only add version header for API requests
    * [c3e44cc]( New: Add token authentication for notifications
    * [625787d]( New: Translations support for Health Checks
    * [8368a80]( Escape search query and use string interpolation for Headphones request generation
    * [5ce376d]( Don't lowercase UrlBase in ConfigFileProvider
    * [8322488]( New: Log content for invalid torrent files
    * [565c05c]( Use MinBy and MaxBy instead of OrderBy + First [ [#3485]( ]
    * [8dbc522]( New: More information on on why hardlinks should be used over copying [ [#3519]( ]
    * [0d2d361]( New: Add version and timestamp to backup archive [ [#3525]( ]
    * [f26e051]( Fixed IsValidPath usages [ [#3470]( ]
    * [d0f75e2]( New: Improve path validation when handling paths from different OSes [ [#3466]( ]
    * [24056fd]( Fixed: File browser
    * [fe0abd5]( Fix track lookup in integration tests
    * [5765829]( Update caniuse-lite
    * [1cb826b]( Auto-reply for Log Label [ [#3564]( ]
    * [ba4e3b4]( New: Report health error if Recycling Bin folder is not writable
    * [d317c3d]( Fixed: (Headphones) Use custom download request [ [#3595]( ]
    * [bfe917a]( New: Filter Sonarr synchronization based on Root Folders [ [#3569]( ]
    * [f026fea]( add trace log checkbox to bug report [ [#3601](, [#3602]( ]
    * [14a77d8]( Automated API Docs update
    * [3b0289e]( Fixed: (Redacted) Use Api Key for downloading
    * [45329f2]( New: Add result to commands to report commands that did not complete successfully
    * [8f3aba7]( bump github actions to latest
    * [a7e4a85]( Fix downloading releases without an indexer [ [#3598]( ]
    * [8a685be]( Adding Artist Id, Album Id, and Track Artist Id as file name options.
    * [8ea54b6]( Use BuildInfo.AppName for RARBG appId instead of hardcoded value [ [#3570]( ]
    * [09cc4c2]( New: Updated Rarbg request limits [ [#3526]( ]
    * [4da68ce]( Fixed: Show Error Message if no Manual Import Mode selected
    * [5380d78]( Build download requests from indexer implementation [ [#3590](, [#3593]( ]
    * [1ffc0cb]( Update translation files
    * [d9cc5b3]( New: Updated button and calendar outline colors for dark theme [ [#3588]( ]
    * [1d09ddf]( Fixed: Border hover colors in dark theme [ [#3554]( ]
    * [4782922]( Fixed some aria violations [ [#3589]( ]
    * [dec6c32]( Fix loading eslintrc [ [#3591]( ]
    * [89972b8]( Fixed: Missing Translates
    * [f8d0d4a]( Bump Swashbuckle to 6.5.0
    * [4de315f]( Remove unused gulpFile [ [#3575](, [#3583]( ]
    * [e145574]( Update webpack and webpack-cli [ [#3584](, [#3576]( ]
    * [ffaa880]( Update core-js and use defaults for browserlist [ [#3585](, [#3579]( ]
    * [3dfeea2]( Fixed: Edit Quality Profile not opening
    * [e83de41]( Automated API Docs update
    * [90dfb55]( New: (Notifications) Add Apprise
    * [6ea561f]( Frontend Placeholders from the Backend
    * [d024497]( Fixed: Ignore `VA` artists in Redacted
    * [0a0ddf2]( New: Option to use Telegram topics for notifications
    * [ea0a78b]( Fixed: Migrate to FluentValidation 9
    * [9259ad7]( Convert method to static that doesn't use instance data
    * [2a980e6]( Fixed: Some posters not showing for new series search results
    * [9c7b6ef]( Fixed: Null reference processing import with no download client info
    * [933facd]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [3961bbb]( Fix typo in calendarBackgroundColor CSS variable
    * [734e8fd]( Use minified jquery
    * [fbb05dc]( Fixed: (Gazelle) Add `usetoken` only if use FL token is enabled
    * [2cabc3e]( Rename `CC` to `Cc`
    * [529ea26]( Remove mono process detection
    * [95f30b2]( Fixed: Exception thrown when marking download as complete
    * [47d0aca]( Fixed: Null reference processing failed import for unknown album
    * [1374fb1]( Fixed: (UI) Show the correct path in delete artist modal
    * [b4db8fc]( Bump version to 1.2.0
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **master**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Lidarr within an existing docker container.*** Doing so will prevent audio fingerprinting from working and break your Lidarr installation if you ever delete and re-create the container.
    * [40a8476]( Bump dotnet to 6.0.16
    * [643f3d3]( Fixed: DrunkenSlug Default URL
    * [1bc0b5f]( Enable all analyzers and enforce code style on build [ [#3406](, [#3407](, [#3408](, [#3409](, [#3410](, [#3411](, [#3412](, [#3413](, [#3414](, [#3415](, [#3416](, [#3417](, [#3418](, [#3419](, [#3420](, [#3421](, [#3422](, [#3423]( ]
    * [7ac0e43]( Fixed: Permissions after installing on Windows and opening Firewall port [ [#3454]( ]
    * [40b9e45]( Fixed: Config file settings do not need to be case-sensitive
    * [ed2d127]( Fixed: Ensure default config file on starting app
    * [cb3d6d7]( Fixed: Number input changing while scrolling
    * [aca4d13]( Fixed: Multiple Downloaded Episodes Scan commands should not run in parallel
    * [a39bfa8]( Fixed: Specify UTF-8 when serving text files to avoid incorrect detection by browsers
    * [16f30e7]( New: Use better page size for Newznab/Torznab (up to 100) when supported by the indexer [ [#3340]( ]
    * [fc79738]( New: Return static response to requests while app is starting
    * [b1bad20]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional) (zh\_TW)) [skip ci]
    * [e38d208]( Fixed broken path tests
    * [eab4134]( Fixed: USB drives mounted to folders are treated as different mounts [ [#3368]( ]
    * [8228f11]( Fixed: Prevent getting disk space from returning no information when it partially fails
    * [c554c49]( Fixed: Processing very long ETA from Transmission
    * [e44e1a8]( New: Additional custom filter predicates for strings
    * [85ce607]( Bump version to 1.1.4
    * [75009f9]( Fixed: Standardize single quotes and allow the neutral apostrophe
    * [de29e17]( Fixed: Creating new Delay Profile
    * [44dfcf8]( Translated using Weblate (German) [skip ci]
    * [26ab66c]( Delete azuresync.yml
    * [b1a3db6]( Fixed: Settings fail to save for some auth setups
    * [6066528]( Remove development setting from UI
    * [13d20f3]( Fixed: Theme Variables
    * [7993aab]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [50b26ba]( Fixed: Ping endpoint no longer requires authentication
    * [6635840]( Fixed: Migrating case-sensitive Preferred Word REGEX to Custom Formats [ [#3322]( ]
    * [1aa6f61]( Fixed: Overflowing release profile terms [ [#2550]( ]
    * [cdb93c4]( Fixed: Correctly handle Content-Encoding headers [ [#3315]( ]
    * [3d01300]( Fixed: Calculate CFs after auxiliary parsing
    * [b06730f]( Fixed: Custom Formats don't work for Release Title spec
    * [5f1394a]( Fixup FileNameBuilder tests
    * [f9062a3]( Log Skyhook connection failures with more info [ [#2078](, [#2079]( ]
    * [79a175c]( Automated API Docs update
    * [21c2599]( Automated API Docs update
    * [dcb60c2]( Remove unused split [ [#2442]( ]
    * [6af492a]( Fixed: Better colon replacement logic [ [#2193]( ]
    * [032089b]( New: Setting SceneName and ReleaseGroup for TrackFiles via API [ [#2248]( ]
    * [9cce93b]( Cleanup Unused Event
    * [c7e142c]( Fixed: Argument Exception when folder cleaning on track delete
    * [5296d87]( Fixed: Clearing logs not updating UI once complete [ [#2687]( ]
    * [7997359]( Fixed cutoff unmet integration tests [ [#2822]( ]
    * [418cb78]( Fixed: Cutoff Unmet showing items above lowest accepted quality when upgrades are disabled [ [#2819]( ]
    * [0592f35]( Fixed: Profiles with upgrades disabled incorrectly allowing upgrades in some cases [ [#2649]( ]
    * [aa5869c]( Replace unicode brackets
    * [db00ff1]( Fixed: Improve moving file to location where another one exists [ [#2884]( ]
    * [0fc2e0a]( New: Add import date to upgrads in CustomScript and Webhook connections [ [#2945]( ]
    * [975508b]( New: Custom import lists [ [#3014]( ]
    * [106ce3e]( Add Volta node config [ [#2975](, [#2976](, [#3082]( ]
    * [7b566ca]( Fixed: Filter indicator in interactive search [ [#2679]( ]
    * [5ac1dac]( Fixed: History Since API endpoint [ [#3198]( ]
    * [d37b226]( Fixed: Artist/album history loading [ [#3195](, [#3312]( ]
    * [6c3b312]( Fixed: Avoid Sqlite Error when all profiles have lowest quality cutoff [ [#3308]( ]
    * [bbde55e]( Updated some JS dependencies
    * [af21f48]( Fixed: Parse TR24 as Flac24 [ [#2002]( ]
    * [6ba4ec1]( Fixed: Typo in name of file DistanceCalculator.cs
    * [7eb028c]( Automated API Docs update
    * [8e9f567]( Fixed: Correctly detect additional cases of Flac 24bit
    * [9fe13a2]( New: Custom Formats
    * [86e4473]( Bump version to 1.1.3
    * [180e9ba]( Fixed: RemotePathMappingCheck Improvements
    * [9cbc771]( Fixed: DownloadClientRootFolderCheck Improvements
    * [94d7f56]( Fixed: Catch InvalidDataException during initial config to prevent boot loop
    * [64c5bee]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [35e14ea]( Fixed: Use titlecase when querying DB with sort keys [ [#3301]( ]
    * [3c2a74f]( New: Additional Artist and Album properties on Webhook base
    * [e3c1009]( New: Add Albums object to Grab and Import Webhook base
    * [a2d7239]( Fixed: Restore old Sqlite version compatibility
    * [da41220]( Fixed: Tasks Running at random times
    * [d999a4d]( New: Notifiarr and Webhook Updates [ [#3062]( ]
    * [2038e8e]( Fixed: Use Inactive instead of Ended for artists in UI [ [#2243]( ]
    * [e41c32e]( Fixed: Add None Metadata Profile option to Mass Editor [ [#2302]( ]
    * [2fe653f]( Fixed: Speed up CleanupOrphanedTrackFiles housekeeper
    * [3c9a0eb]( Bump Npgsql to 6.0.8
    * [b230faa]( Fixed: Correctly delete files on Album Delete [ [#2551]( ]
    * [71c1edd]( New: Bulk Delete from Unmapped [ [#3041](, [#1060]( ]
    * [b03f4d7]( Fixed: Unmapped Delete button cutoff
    * [250a703]( Fixed: PG Issues on CleanupOrphanedTrackFiles Housekeeper
    * [83d618e]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified) (zh\_CN)) [skip ci]
    * [42f3e14]( Fixup Album Studio
    * [10e0d50]( Automated API Docs update
    * [93cce9a]( Don't block task queue for queued update task when long running tasks queued [ [#2935]( ]
    * [5a8082d]( Fixed: Schedule refresh and process monitored download tasks at high priority [ [#2661](, [#2666](, [#2674]( ]
    * [cb5e249]( New: Description for indexer RSS setting [ [#3262]( ]
    * [8bddb1a]( Fixed: Multiple pushed releases will be processed sequentially
    * [1980173]( Fix RootFolder logs in DiskScanService [ [#3283]( ]
    * [f7e0073]( New: Improved messaging when qBittorrent fails due to host header rejection
    * [28a3e0b]( Fixed: No longer tries to backup database when using Postgres
    * [2b510c6]( Fixed: Progress bar text colour in Dark theme
    * [84a7580]( Fixed: Manual Import Reprocessing
    * [9e1009b]( Update DeploymentInfoProvider.cs
    * [04b8507]( Fix Tests for Artist First Letter
    * [ec41951]( New: Album and Artist Genre Naming Tokens
    * [f7548f9]( New: Artist name first character renaming token
    * [cb34495]( New: OnDelete Notifications [ [#1933](, [#1936](, [#1937](, [#1938](, [#1939](, [#2189](, [#2444](, [#2604]( ]
    * [e67f0be]( Fixed: Error on artist details if refresh isn't finished
    * [a431a1c]( New: Reset Quality Definitions to default [ [#2843]( ]
    * [cbb14cd]( Adjusted the Windows LongPath support check for valid segment lengths [ [#2630]( ]
    * [6915a77]( Fixed: Logging when series folder is moved successfully [ [#2886]( ]
    * [115e34d]( Fixed: updated rTorrent download client note [ [#3015]( ]
    * [f4a5544]( Bump Sentry to 3.25.0
    * [3e29cb4]( Bump MonoTorrent to 2.0.7
    * [845c27f]( API Updates [ [#3153](, [#2513](, [#2512]( ]
    * [6ab02d2]( New: Rename Emby to Emby / Jellyfin [ [#3216]( ]
    * [5a9b720]( New: Allow album info tooltip to display above if unable to display below [ [#3217]( ]
    * [5baa7bb]( Fixed: Only log /proc/mounts exception once per process [ [#3239]( ]
    * [b606c68]( Fixed: Ping to keep auth token active [ [#2981]( ]
    * [fc4170d]( Fixed: Report certificate validation failures when configuring Plex Media Server connection [ [#2520]( ]
    * [a0409af]( Update coverlet.runsettings
    * [bc27905]( Translated using Weblate (Finnish) [skip ci]
    * [1b4a1c1]( fix: add end date to calendar events [ [#3218]( ]
    * [4a0eced]( Update README for DigitalOcean attribution
    * [0deb9de]( Remove empty spaces from SaveProviderHandler
    * [f538feb]( Fixed: Errors loading queue after albums in artist are removed [ [#1989]( ]
    * [852831a]( New: Sorting Artist List/Mass Editor by Tags [ [#1804]( ]
    * [c401581]( Re-saving edited providers will forcibly save them [ [#1673]( ]
    * [de830b9]( Lazy Loading fuse-worker and fixed some potential timing issues [ [#1489](, [#1463]( ]
    * [8453c5e]( Clarify quality profile wording [ [#3060]( ]
    * [4614cef]( Fixup Theme CSS
    * [097712f]( Fixed: Clean Remaster from track titles prior to compare
    * [4b367d3]( New: Album group improvements on Artist Details page
    * [7e10d6b]( Fixed: Adjust AudioInfo column to prevent wrapping
    * [2105388]( New: Show number of files as tooltip over size on disk [ [#1966]( ]
    * [848d230]( New: Album genres on album details page
    * [10c2f01]( New: Artist genres on artist details page [ [#2507]( ]
    * [efb9013]( Sliding expiration for auth cookie and a little clean up [ [#2920]( ]
    * [37bec3a]( Translated using Weblate (Italian) [skip ci]
    * [2cc835d]( Fixed: Use route Id for PUT requests if not passed in body [ [#3133]( ]
    * [4fd3890]( New: Auto theme option to match OS theme [ [#3165]( ]
    * [fd463ad]( New: IPv6 support for connections/indexers/download clients [ [#3168]( ]
    * [acf3ef7]( Fixed: Improve Bind Address validation and help text [ [#3167]( ]
    * [b8fc07e]( Bump Newtonsoft to 13.0.2
    * [39abf00]( Fixed: Improve RarBG Error Handling
    * [39ba97f]( Fixed: Grab/remove queue actions not showing spinner
    * [e0cf98d]( Fixed: Correct Attribute compare for Id validation
    * [92d885d]( Fixup Theme CSS
    * [73a3e3f]( Simplify X-Forwarded-For handling
    * [980f8f0]( New: Improve IPAddress.IsLocal method
    * [e9996f1]( Fixed: Handle Flood reporting errors for completed and stopped downloads
    * [933fca7]( Fix: Restore missing groupbys in AlbumRepo
    * [4585e5d]( Translated using Weblate (German) [skip ci]
    * [f456c5f]( Add missing eslint-plugin-react-hooks package
    * [b445d07]( Added react-hooks lint rules
    * [c02b66e]( Enforce comment spacing with Stylecop [ [#3104]( ]
    * [52fc5ae]( Publish ApplicationStartingEvent during startup [ [#3102]( ]
    * [58a697f]( Improve page scrollbar [ [#3088](, [#2706]( ]
    * [d95d17b]( Added
    * [e7481fa]( Fixed: AlbumReleases ReleaseDate should be nullable
    * [48d7a22]( New: Retry Postgres connection 3 times (with 5 second sleep) on Startup
    * [c006b66]( Fixed: Postgres timezone issues
    * [8f6e099]( New: Postgres Database Support
    * [f7839ad]( Cache database for Unit tests to avoid repeated migrations
    * [11ba745]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [4eb6a15]( Fixed: Testing SABnzbd when no categories are configured
    * [39c3993]( Automated API Docs update
    * [7275261]( New: Base API info endpoint
    * [56ca149]( Bump version 1.1.2
    * [6c7a578]( Added missing Audio drama type
    * [d8407e7]( Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) [skip ci]
    * [b3587d9]( Update various translation files
    * [000ccf7]( Translation Updates [ [#3058](, [#2889]( ]
    * [651a435]( Create CODE\_OF\
    * [7d8a4ab]( Fix various typos
    * [940070e]( Automated API Docs update
    * [b903f61]( Fixed: Notifiarr - fix invalid/broken url ([#3053](
    * [a528c9e]( Use wildcard for FreeBSD itemPattern
    * [62ae8ff]( Ignore brotli test on osx
    * [41a0726]( Fixed: Re-downloading of series images
    * [b032716]( Fix Lint Issue
    * [970b68e]( New: Validate that naming formats don't contain illegal characters [ [#1768]( ]
    * [8bb630c]( New: Use Notifiarr API
    * [117436b]( Cleanup dual target and mono code
    * [64d15e3]( New: Add indexer name to the download report log [ [#3043]( ]
    * [878f415]( New: Add application URL to host configuration settings [ [#2933](, [#2934]( ]
    * [80143e0]( Fix UpdateFixture artist path test
    * [02152d8]( Fixed: Kodi Library Update Notification [ [#2574]( ]
    * [b547156]( Fixed: (Newznab) Search with year for self-title albums [ [#2716]( ]
    * [206d34c]( New: Add optional Source Title column to history
    * [8c5b227]( Fixed: Ignore VA on Gazelle search for Various Artist Albums [ [#2829]( ]
    * [37fbc65]( Fixed: Correct diff previews when new tag image is null [ [#2861]( ]
    * [215df9c]( Update No Tag string [ [#3024]( ]
    * [ab0cd62]( Fixed: Cleanse Discord Webhook URLs [ [#3037]( ]
    * [a2d1291]( Fixed: Assume WEB is MP3-320 [ [#3038]( ]
    * [12413a2]( Automated API Docs update
    * [0edab17]( update feature request template
    * [c4d8f66]( New: Darkmode ([#3039](
    * [aabd255]( Add thread to discord notification [ [#3042]( ]
    * [977fb31]( Update FUNDING.yml
    * [7fcebba]( Fixed: Parse WEBFLAC as FLAC [ [#3013]( ]
    * [7dde5e0]( New: Send TrackFile in Webhook retag payload [ [#2533]( ]
    * [4703f8a]( Fixed: Clarify Indexer Priority Helptext
    * [6670aa7]( New: Add Release group to history for all events
    * [64c2fb2]( Fixed: Fall back to sorting by release title if artist is not matched
    * [ef1e744]( Update help text for rTorrent download client options
    * [25c9de8]( Fixed: Repack Preference Ignored
    * [c63b082]( Fixed: Escape Characters as needed for \*znab queries
    * [dc7b5b5]( Added searchEngine support in Newznab/Torznab caps
    * [24c2b15]( Automated API Docs update
    * [f74b6e5]( New: Parse version with a space before 'v'
    * [f6f44f2]( Updated NLog Version
    * [35651df]( Use modern HttpClient
    * [9bacc78]( Handle redirects for 308 redirects
    * [f834829]( Added: Ntfy provider for notifications
    * [d70a919]( Fixed: Cleanup of unused tags for Import lists
    * [b8c84c8]( Fixed: Parse endpoint response when title failed to parse
    * [a344604]( Sentry logging exceptions
    * [dfb2cf9]( New: Adds SSL option to Kodi connections
    * [e6fb6b5]( Rename NzbSearchService to ReleaseSearchService
    * [a26cbdf]( New: Add tag support to indexers
    * [77041a5]( Fixed: Series list jump bar click issues
    * [9677b41]( Update Bug Report Template [skip ci]
    * [d580bcb]( Update Bug Report Template
    * [4985024]( New: Torrent Seed Ratio no longer advance settings
    * [d27d982]( Fixed: Don't process files that don't have a supported media file extension ([#2938](
    * [b3b93db]( Fix typo: loseless to lossless
    * [463ead6]( Bump version to 1.1.1
    * [c1dd253]( Fixed: Correctly add missing new artist when an album's artist changes in musicbrainz
    * [ded8602]( Fixed: Close all database connections on shutdown to remove shm/wal files
    * [4ba118d]( Automated API Docs update
    * [7ebd41e]( Update packages
    * [fe30412]( .NET 6.0.7
    * [303baac]( Fix translation
    * [c339645]( Fixed: Respect import list search setting when monitoring existing items
    * [b168bdd]( Fixed: Correctly set MonitorNewItems for new list artists
    * [c524886]( Fixed: Prevent duplicate searches on list add
    * [70ae0c9]( New: Make monitoring existing albums on an import list optional
    * [92e0a6e]( New: Option to disable automatic search on import lists
    * [33bb596]( Fixed: Null reference error when import list adds new album to existing artist
    * [d96775a]( Fixed: "Specific Book" setting for lidarr list import [ [#2435]( ]
    * [d85d2bb]( New: Make sure existing items on import list are monitored
    * [2ca6a8d]( Fixed: Releases Size filter has incorrect value type
    * [1d73d25]( Fixed: Don't call for server notifications on event driven check
    * [c7e8f51]( Fixed: Better Cleansing of Tracker Announce Keys [ [#2611](, [#2557]( ]
    * [ce9d970]( Fixed: Validate if equals or child for startup folder
    * [8ff141d]( Fixed: Only one version of an album may be approved for import
    * [a3f5fa0]( Automated API Docs update
    * [cf4103d]( Use DryIoc for Automoqer, drop Unity dependency
    * [9b120f4]( New: Link indexer to specific download client ([#2668]( [ [#1215]( ]
    * [2a72a0e]( Fixed: Mass Editor Footer on Smaller Screens
    * [397e2bf]( Fixed: Default sort key for wanted/missing API endpoint [ [#2725]( ]
    * [a6f4c3c]( Fixed: Importing file from UNC shared folder without job folder [ [#2759]( ]
    * [4ca9cb4]( Fixed: Cleanse APIKey from Signalr logging [ [#2474]( ]
    * [81714d2]( Fixed accounting for zero terminator in long path limitation [ [#1909]( ]
    * [7b4e33e]( Fixed: Managing display profiles on mobile [ [#1907]( ]
    * [28c7f30]( Fixed: Sorting in Interactive search duplicates results [ [#1906](, [#1911]( ]
    * [735024b]( Small helper in UI to access API more easily [ [#1842]( ]
    * [8711b1a]( Fixed: OSX version detection [ [#1834]( ]
    * [8c2fa93]( New: Log path when adding artist [ [#1603]( ]
    * [423b489]( Fixed: Sorting interactive search by quality for unknown artist results [ [#1587]( ]
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [de29e17]( Fixed: Creating new Delay Profile
    * [b1a3db6]( Fixed: Settings fail to save for some auth setups
    * [6066528]( Remove development setting from UI
    * [13d20f3]( Fixed: Theme Variables
    * [50b26ba]( Fixed: Ping endpoint no longer requires authentication
    * [6635840]( Fixed: Migrating case-sensitive Preferred Word REGEX to Custom Formats [ [#3322]( ]
    * [1aa6f61]( Fixed: Overflowing release profile terms [ [#2550]( ]
    * [cdb93c4]( Fixed: Correctly handle Content-Encoding headers [ [#3315]( ]
    * [3d01300]( Fixed: Calculate CFs after auxiliary parsing
    * [b06730f]( Fixed: Custom Formats don't work for Release Title spec
    * [5f1394a]( Fixup FileNameBuilder tests
    * [f9062a3]( Log Skyhook connection failures with more info [ [#2078](, [#2079]( ]
    * [dcb60c2]( Remove unused split [ [#2442]( ]
    * [6af492a]( Fixed: Better colon replacement logic [ [#2193]( ]
    * [032089b]( New: Setting SceneName and ReleaseGroup for TrackFiles via API [ [#2248]( ]
    * [9cce93b]( Cleanup Unused Event
    * [c7e142c]( Fixed: Argument Exception when folder cleaning on track delete
    * [5296d87]( Fixed: Clearing logs not updating UI once complete [ [#2687]( ]
    * [7997359]( Fixed cutoff unmet integration tests [ [#2822]( ]
    * [418cb78]( Fixed: Cutoff Unmet showing items above lowest accepted quality when upgrades are disabled [ [#2819]( ]
    * [0592f35]( Fixed: Profiles with upgrades disabled incorrectly allowing upgrades in some cases [ [#2649]( ]
    * [aa5869c]( Replace unicode brackets
    * [db00ff1]( Fixed: Improve moving file to location where another one exists [ [#2884]( ]
    * [0fc2e0a]( New: Add import date to upgrads in CustomScript and Webhook connections [ [#2945]( ]
    * [975508b]( New: Custom import lists [ [#3014]( ]
    * [106ce3e]( Add Volta node config [ [#2975](, [#2976](, [#3082]( ]
    * [7b566ca]( Fixed: Filter indicator in interactive search [ [#2679]( ]
    * [5ac1dac]( Fixed: History Since API endpoint [ [#3198]( ]
    * [d37b226]( Fixed: Artist/album history loading [ [#3195](, [#3312]( ]
    * [6c3b312]( Fixed: Avoid Sqlite Error when all profiles have lowest quality cutoff [ [#3308]( ]
    * [bbde55e]( Updated some JS dependencies
    * [af21f48]( Fixed: Parse TR24 as Flac24 [ [#2002]( ]
    * [6ba4ec1]( Fixed: Typo in name of file DistanceCalculator.cs
    * [7eb028c]( Automated API Docs update
    * [8e9f567]( Fixed: Correctly detect additional cases of Flac 24bit
    * [9fe13a2]( New: Custom Formats
    * [86e4473]( Bump version to 1.1.3
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [180e9ba]( Fixed: RemotePathMappingCheck Improvements
    * [9cbc771]( Fixed: DownloadClientRootFolderCheck Improvements
    * [94d7f56]( Fixed: Catch InvalidDataException during initial config to prevent boot loop
    * [35e14ea]( Fixed: Use titlecase when querying DB with sort keys [ [#3301]( ]
    * [3c2a74f]( New: Additional Artist and Album properties on Webhook base
    * [e3c1009]( New: Add Albums object to Grab and Import Webhook base
    * [a2d7239]( Fixed: Restore old Sqlite version compatibility
    * [da41220]( Fixed: Tasks Running at random times
    * [d999a4d]( New: Notifiarr and Webhook Updates [ [#3062]( ]
    * [2038e8e]( Fixed: Use Inactive instead of Ended for artists in UI [ [#2243]( ]
    * [e41c32e]( Fixed: Add None Metadata Profile option to Mass Editor [ [#2302]( ]
    * [2fe653f]( Fixed: Speed up CleanupOrphanedTrackFiles housekeeper
    * [3c9a0eb]( Bump Npgsql to 6.0.8
    * [b230faa]( Fixed: Correctly delete files on Album Delete [ [#2551]( ]
    * [71c1edd]( New: Bulk Delete from Unmapped [ [#3041](, [#1060]( ]
    * [b03f4d7]( Fixed: Unmapped Delete button cutoff
    * [250a703]( Fixed: PG Issues on CleanupOrphanedTrackFiles Housekeeper
    * [42f3e14]( Fixup Album Studio
    * [10e0d50]( Automated API Docs update
    * [93cce9a]( Don't block task queue for queued update task when long running tasks queued [ [#2935]( ]
    * [5a8082d]( Fixed: Schedule refresh and process monitored download tasks at high priority [ [#2661](, [#2666](, [#2674]( ]
    * [cb5e249]( New: Description for indexer RSS setting [ [#3262]( ]
    * [8bddb1a]( Fixed: Multiple pushed releases will be processed sequentially
    * [1980173]( Fix RootFolder logs in DiskScanService [ [#3283]( ]
    * [f7e0073]( New: Improved messaging when qBittorrent fails due to host header rejection
    * [28a3e0b]( Fixed: No longer tries to backup database when using Postgres
    * [2b510c6]( Fixed: Progress bar text colour in Dark theme
    * [84a7580]( Fixed: Manual Import Reprocessing
    * [9e1009b]( Update DeploymentInfoProvider.cs
    * [04b8507]( Fix Tests for Artist First Letter
    * [ec41951]( New: Album and Artist Genre Naming Tokens
    * [f7548f9]( New: Artist name first character renaming token
    * [cb34495]( New: OnDelete Notifications [ [#1933](, [#1936](, [#1937](, [#1938](, [#1939](, [#2189](, [#2444](, [#2604]( ]
    * [e67f0be]( Fixed: Error on artist details if refresh isn't finished
    * [a431a1c]( New: Reset Quality Definitions to default [ [#2843]( ]
    * [cbb14cd]( Adjusted the Windows LongPath support check for valid segment lengths [ [#2630]( ]
    * [6915a77]( Fixed: Logging when series folder is moved successfully [ [#2886]( ]
    * [115e34d]( Fixed: updated rTorrent download client note [ [#3015]( ]
    * [f4a5544]( Bump Sentry to 3.25.0
    * [3e29cb4]( Bump MonoTorrent to 2.0.7
    * [845c27f]( API Updates [ [#3153](, [#2513](, [#2512]( ]
    * [6ab02d2]( New: Rename Emby to Emby / Jellyfin [ [#3216]( ]
    * [5a9b720]( New: Allow album info tooltip to display above if unable to display below [ [#3217]( ]
    * [5baa7bb]( Fixed: Only log /proc/mounts exception once per process [ [#3239]( ]
    * [b606c68]( Fixed: Ping to keep auth token active [ [#2981]( ]
    * [fc4170d]( Fixed: Report certificate validation failures when configuring Plex Media Server connection [ [#2520]( ]
    * [a0409af]( Update coverlet.runsettings
    * [1b4a1c1]( fix: add end date to calendar events [ [#3218]( ]
    * [4a0eced]( Update README for DigitalOcean attribution
    * [0deb9de]( Remove empty spaces from SaveProviderHandler
    * [f538feb]( Fixed: Errors loading queue after albums in artist are removed [ [#1989]( ]
    * [852831a]( New: Sorting Artist List/Mass Editor by Tags [ [#1804]( ]
    * [c401581]( Re-saving edited providers will forcibly save them [ [#1673]( ]
    * [de830b9]( Lazy Loading fuse-worker and fixed some potential timing issues [ [#1489](, [#1463]( ]
    * [8453c5e]( Clarify quality profile wording [ [#3060]( ]
    * [4614cef]( Fixup Theme CSS
    * [097712f]( Fixed: Clean Remaster from track titles prior to compare
    * [4b367d3]( New: Album group improvements on Artist Details page
    * [7e10d6b]( Fixed: Adjust AudioInfo column to prevent wrapping
    * [2105388]( New: Show number of files as tooltip over size on disk [ [#1966]( ]
    * [848d230]( New: Album genres on album details page
    * [10c2f01]( New: Artist genres on artist details page [ [#2507]( ]
    * [efb9013]( Sliding expiration for auth cookie and a little clean up [ [#2920]( ]
    * [2cc835d]( Fixed: Use route Id for PUT requests if not passed in body [ [#3133]( ]
    * [4fd3890]( New: Auto theme option to match OS theme [ [#3165]( ]
    * [fd463ad]( New: IPv6 support for connections/indexers/download clients [ [#3168]( ]
    * [acf3ef7]( Fixed: Improve Bind Address validation and help text [ [#3167]( ]
    * [b8fc07e]( Bump Newtonsoft to 13.0.2
    * [39abf00]( Fixed: Improve RarBG Error Handling
    * [39ba97f]( Fixed: Grab/remove queue actions not showing spinner
    * [e0cf98d]( Fixed: Correct Attribute compare for Id validation
    * [92d885d]( Fixup Theme CSS
    * [73a3e3f]( Simplify X-Forwarded-For handling
    * [980f8f0]( New: Improve IPAddress.IsLocal method
    * [e9996f1]( Fixed: Handle Flood reporting errors for completed and stopped downloads
    * [933fca7]( Fix: Restore missing groupbys in AlbumRepo
    * [f456c5f]( Add missing eslint-plugin-react-hooks package
    * [b445d07]( Added react-hooks lint rules
    * [c02b66e]( Enforce comment spacing with Stylecop [ [#3104]( ]
    * [52fc5ae]( Publish ApplicationStartingEvent during startup [ [#3102]( ]
    * [58a697f]( Improve page scrollbar [ [#3088](, [#2706]( ]
    * [d95d17b]( Added
    * [e7481fa]( Fixed: AlbumReleases ReleaseDate should be nullable
    * [48d7a22]( New: Retry Postgres connection 3 times (with 5 second sleep) on Startup
    * [c006b66]( Fixed: Postgres timezone issues
    * [8f6e099]( New: Postgres Database Support
    * [f7839ad]( Cache database for Unit tests to avoid repeated migrations
    * [11ba745]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) [skip ci]
    * [4eb6a15]( Fixed: Testing SABnzbd when no categories are configured
    * [39c3993]( Automated API Docs update
    * [7275261]( New: Base API info endpoint
    * [56ca149]( Bump version 1.1.2
    * [6c7a578]( Added missing Audio drama type
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [000ccf7]( Translation Updates [ [#3058](, [#2889]( ]
    * [651a435]( Create CODE\_OF\
    * [7d8a4ab]( Fix various typos
    * [940070e]( Automated API Docs update
    * [b903f61]( Fixed: Notifiarr - fix invalid/broken url ([#3053](
    * [a528c9e]( Use wildcard for FreeBSD itemPattern
    * [41a0726]( Fixed: Re-downloading of series images
    * [b032716]( Fix Lint Issue
    * [970b68e]( New: Validate that naming formats don't contain illegal characters [ [#1768]( ]
    * [8bb630c]( New: Use Notifiarr API
    * [117436b]( Cleanup dual target and mono code
    * [64d15e3]( New: Add indexer name to the download report log [ [#3043]( ]
    * [878f415]( New: Add application URL to host configuration settings [ [#2933](, [#2934]( ]
    * [80143e0]( Fix UpdateFixture artist path test
    * [02152d8]( Fixed: Kodi Library Update Notification [ [#2574]( ]
    * [b547156]( Fixed: (Newznab) Search with year for self-title albums [ [#2716]( ]
    * [206d34c]( New: Add optional Source Title column to history
    * [8c5b227]( Fixed: Ignore VA on Gazelle search for Various Artist Albums [ [#2829]( ]
    * [37fbc65]( Fixed: Correct diff previews when new tag image is null [ [#2861]( ]
    * [215df9c]( Update No Tag string [ [#3024]( ]
    * [ab0cd62]( Fixed: Cleanse Discord Webhook URLs [ [#3037]( ]
    * [a2d1291]( Fixed: Assume WEB is MP3-320 [ [#3038]( ]
    * [12413a2]( Automated API Docs update
    * [c4d8f66]( New: Darkmode ([#3039](
    * [aabd255]( Add thread to discord notification [ [#3042]( ]
    * [977fb31]( Update FUNDING.yml
    * [7fcebba]( Fixed: Parse WEBFLAC as FLAC [ [#3013]( ]
    * [7dde5e0]( New: Send TrackFile in Webhook retag payload [ [#2533]( ]
    * [4703f8a]( Fixed: Clarify Indexer Priority Helptext
    * [6670aa7]( New: Add Release group to history for all events
    * [64c2fb2]( Fixed: Fall back to sorting by release title if artist is not matched
    * [ef1e744]( Update help text for rTorrent download client options
    * [25c9de8]( Fixed: Repack Preference Ignored
    * [c63b082]( Fixed: Escape Characters as needed for *znab queries
    * [dc7b5b5]( Added searchEngine support in Newznab/Torznab caps
    * [f74b6e5]( New: Parse version with a space before 'v'
    * [f6f44f2]( Updated NLog Version
    * [35651df]( Use modern HttpClient
    * [9bacc78]( Handle redirects for 308 redirects
    * [f834829]( Added: Ntfy provider for notifications
    * [d70a919]( Fixed: Cleanup of unused tags for Import lists
    * [b8c84c8]( Fixed: Parse endpoint response when title failed to parse
    * [a344604]( Sentry logging exceptions
    * [dfb2cf9]( New: Adds SSL option to Kodi connections
    * [e6fb6b5]( Rename NzbSearchService to ReleaseSearchService
    * [a26cbdf]( New: Add tag support to indexers
    * [77041a5]( Fixed: Series list jump bar click issues
    * [9677b41]( Update Bug Report Template [skip ci]
    * [d580bcb]( Update Bug Report Template
    * [4985024]( New: Torrent Seed Ratio no longer advance settings
    * [d27d982]( Fixed: Don't process files that don't have a supported media file extension ([#2938](
    * [b3b93db]( Fix typo: loseless to lossless
    * [463ead6]( Bump version to 1.1.1
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Radarr within an existing docker container.***
    * [c1dd253]( Fixed: Correctly add missing new artist when an album's artist changes in musicbrainz
    * [ded8602]( Fixed: Close all database connections on shutdown to remove shm/wal files
    * [7ebd41e]( Update packages
    * [fe30412]( .NET 6.0.7
    * [303baac]( Fix translation
    * [c339645]( Fixed: Respect import list search setting when monitoring existing items
    * [b168bdd]( Fixed: Correctly set MonitorNewItems for new list artists
    * [c524886]( Fixed: Prevent duplicate searches on list add
    * [70ae0c9]( New: Make monitoring existing albums on an import list optional
    * [92e0a6e]( New: Option to disable automatic search on import lists
    * [33bb596]( Fixed: Null reference error when import list adds new album to existing artist
    * [d96775a]( Fixed: "Specific Book" setting for lidarr list import [ [#2435]( ]
    * [d85d2bb]( New: Make sure existing items on import list are monitored
    * [2ca6a8d]( Fixed: Releases Size filter has incorrect value type
    * [1d73d25]( Fixed: Don't call for server notifications on event driven check
    * [c7e8f51]( Fixed: Better Cleansing of Tracker Announce Keys [ [#2611](, [#2557]( ]
    * [ce9d970]( Fixed: Validate if equals or child for startup folder
    * [8ff141d]( Fixed: Only one version of an album may be approved for import
    * [cf4103d]( Use DryIoc for Automoqer, drop Unity dependency
    * [9b120f4]( New: Link indexer to specific download client ([#2668]( [ [#1215]( ]
    * [2a72a0e]( Fixed: Mass Editor Footer on Smaller Screens
    * [397e2bf]( Fixed: Default sort key for wanted/missing API endpoint [ [#2725]( ]
    * [a6f4c3c]( Fixed: Importing file from UNC shared folder without job folder [ [#2759]( ]
    * [4ca9cb4]( Fixed: Cleanse APIKey from Signalr logging [ [#2474]( ]
    * [81714d2]( Fixed accounting for zero terminator in long path limitation [ [#1909]( ]
    * [7b4e33e]( Fixed: Managing display profiles on mobile [ [#1907]( ]
    * [28c7f30]( Fixed: Sorting in Interactive search duplicates results [ [#1906](, [#1911]( ]
    * [735024b]( Small helper in UI to access API more easily [ [#1842]( ]
    * [8711b1a]( Fixed: OSX version detection [ [#1834]( ]
    * [8c2fa93]( New: Log path when adding artist [ [#1603]( ]
    * [423b489]( Fixed: Sorting interactive search by quality for unknown artist results [ [#1587]( ]
    * [26b5db3]( Used ReflectionOnly and/or public types where possible [ [#1461]( ]
    * [6c708a7]( Calendar item/episode status fixes [ [#1425]( ]
    * [f549a36]( Queue status/timeleft improvements [ [#1424]( ]
    * [a41e8de]( Don't store grabbed events for clients that don't download IDs [ [#1420]( ]
    * [39bbb67]( Fixed: Albums removed from queue re-appearing on refresh [ [#1392]( ]
    * [44b76ff]( Bump version to 1.1.0
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    de9d38b4 · remove mono entrypoint ·
    1e665693 · update source archive URL ·
    …rsions don't need to be supported anymore.
    1e665693 · update source archive URL ·
    1f7f0b04 · update base image ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release or final updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Lidarr within an existing docker container.*** Doing so will prevent audio fingerprinting from working and break your Lidarr installation if you ever delete and re-create the container.
    * [a40f537]( Fixed: Correct User-Agent api logging
    * [90fb1a0]( Fixed: Default value for MonitorNew
    * [740650f]( Automated API Docs update
    * [abc232b]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified) (zh\_CN)) [skip ci]
    * [2318c43]( New: Option to control which new artist albums get monitored
    * [d0fd002]( Deleted translation using Weblate (zh\_HANS (generated) (zh\_HANS)) [skip ci]
    * [55c31cc]( Deleted translation using Weblate (zh\_HANS (generated) (zh\_HANS)) [skip ci]
    * [9226393]( Added translation using Weblate (zh\_HANS (generated) (zh\_HANS)) [skip ci]
    * [5ea623c]( Revert "Allow build script to produce packages on non-windows OSes"
    * [45ab2b2]( Allow build script to produce packages on non-windows OSes
    **See More**
    * [dc45a2d]( Temporarily ignore update tests until linux-x86 released
    * [8907b06]( New: Add linux-x86 builds
    * [aee3d23]( Fixed: UI hiding search results with duplicate GUIDs
    * [c9b93c1]( Fixed: Make sure fpcalc executable after upgrade
    * [c1e4e76]( Translated using Weblate (Dutch) [skip ci]
    * [25fdfb8]( Fixed: Interactive Search Filter not filtering multiple qualities in the same filter row
    * [9a5ec50]( Fixed: Bundle fpcalc for all builds except FreeBSD
    * [146a047]( Automated API Docs update
    * [fc1e094]( MusicBrainzIds added to Track Response [ [#2686]( ]
    * [5cbf502]( Update .gitignore
    * [7c0229c]( New: Add qBittorrent sequential order and first and last piece priority options [ [#2660]( ]
    * [c690f1a]( New: Add backup size information [ [#2657]( ]
    * [c58f66a]( Fixed: IPv4 instead of IP4 [ [#2656]( ]
    * [31800e0]( TrackIds in CustomScript [ [#1339]( ]
    * [498368e]( MediaCover Pulls and Fixes
    * [44f8022]( New: Update Cert Validation Help Text [ [#2669]( ]
    * [9c6b8fd]( Update donation links [ [#2598]( ]
    * [0f03f1e]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) [skip ci]
    * [54dc8c3]( Fixed: Error when trying to import an empty Plex Watchlist
    * [4dd0b49]( Package and Installer Updates
    * [8990b35]( Fixed: No longer require first run as admin on windows
    * [528ef9b]( Fixed: Properly handle 119 error code from Synology Download Station
    * [49486d6]( Fixed: Clarify Qbit Content Path Error
    * [ba0ad7e]( New: End Jackett 'all' endpoint support [ [#2638](, [#2569]( ]
    * [428b0da]( Fix .editorconfig to disallow `this`
    * [3045b68]( New: Add date picker for custom filter dates
    * [a7d3750]( Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2
    * [d314f81]( Fixed: Occasional opus file corruption when writing tags
    * [b9e780d]( Fixed: Stop downloads requiring manual import from being stuck as Downloaded
    * [0f87cb7]( Fixed: Loading old commands from database
    * [eddb643]( Fixed: Error adding album to existing artist in incognito session
    * [a820f3d]( Fixed: Jumpbar after going back to artist index page
    * [70342a6]( Fixed: Cleanup Temp files after backup creation
    * [4acf12f]( Fixed: Translation warning for search all
    * [5487acb]( Add DeletedFiles on WebhookImportPayload
    * [5a69bf4]( Add response size to http responses
    * [0ccbe1c]( Improve path validation for Custom Script notifications
    * [0677874]( Bump SharpZipLib to 1.3.3
    * [979374d]( Fixed: Update from version in logs ([#2695]( [ [#2694](, [#2700]( ]
    * [26c8259]( Fixed: Assume SABnzbd develop version is 3.0.0 if not specified
    * [c43c824]( Update Synology error codes
    * [53d46fe]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional) (zh\_TW))
    * [bb55f30]( Fixed: Improved Indexer test failure message when no results are returned
    * [02893af]( Fixed: Updated ruTorrent stopped state helptext
    * [5fae77b]( Translated using Weblate (French)
    * [8626da6]( Report runtime identifier to sentry
    * [7c8e874]( Fixed: Recycle bin log message
    * [861e7db]( Fixed: Enable response compression over https
    * [976e8d2]( Update version header to X-Application-Version
    * [86904ef]( Translated using Weblate (German)
    * [68bfc51]( Fixed: Handle missing category when getting Qbittorrent download path
    * [6883356]( New: Add AppName to system status response
    * [ebce9ea]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
    * [9e7d574]( Fixed: Mark as Failed Issues [ [#1997](, [#2582]( ]
    * [67c96f0]( New: OnApplicationUpdate Notifications [ [#2552]( ]
    * [8864344]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified) (zh\_CN))
    * [b203534]( Translated using Weblate (Russian)
    * [3e26424]( New: Add Validations for Recycle Bin Folder
    * [b88adfd]( Fixed: Avoid download path check false positives for flood ([#2566](
    * [bed22b5]( Fixed maintenance release not showing as such in AppUpdatedModal [ [#1462]( ]
    * [ba07e60]( Fixed duplicate UpdateHistory items
    * [3308546]( Fixed: Update modal error
    * [d370fd1]( Fixed corrupt Update History due to date-time notation
    * [24e0336]( New: Show previously installed version in Updates UI
    * [635c3f6]( New: linux-musl-arm builds [ [#2567]( ]
    * [1eb0d3b]( Track fully imported downloads in separate history table
    * [1d0df36]( New: Per download client setting to Remove Completed/Failed
    * [e9762b6]( Fixed: Queue conflicts with the same download in multiple clients
    * [66ef8fd]( Fix: Consistent SSL option for Download Clients
    * [4e33c02]( Fixed: Help message when adding download clients
    * [fc352ed]( Fixed: Download client name in history details
    * [7ea4e40]( Fixed: Sab Removing and DS Various
    * [423e492]( New: Display Unknown Items in Activity Queue by Default
    * [e27c69c]( Bump RestSharp to 106.15.0
    * [aef0615]( New: Support server notifications
    * [aac23d4]( Fixed: Give a unique name to the cookie
    * [3067044]( Fixed: Forms login persists across restarts in docker
    * [a93f552]( Fixed: NullRef in SchemaBuilder when sending payload without optional Provider.Settings fields
    * [f106c01]( Maintain PrimaryKey and AutoIncrement on some schemas
    * [150d7b0]( New: Additional logging for InvalidModel BadRequest API calls
    * [d12ba05]( Fixed: Windows installer and adding/removing services
    * [25914dd]( Fixed: Workaround net6 object serialization issues
    * [814d75c]( Fixed: Restarting windows service from UI
    * [9b4605b]( Fixed: Tray app restart
    * [11dec98]( Bump React-dnd to 14.0.4
    * [4f2ccb4]( Bump Webpack plugins and loaders
    * [68d8fed]( Bump Sentry
    * [0628e09]( Bump Webpack to 5.64.2
    * [50ba8e2]( Update lint packages
    * [e6a4711]( Update translate.js to use createAjaxRequest
    * [0abb49c]( New: Use native .NET socks proxy
    * [b1165ee]( New: Add osx-arm64 and linux-musl-arm builds
    * [947ad15]( New: Build on Net6
    * [8ee1bf3]( Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
    * [664a129]( Fixed: (Translation) .Net Core to .Net
    * [1e62d74]( Fixed: Add new translate for UI Language
    * [5f725a0]( Fixed: Manual adding to blocklist
    * [feee188]( Fixed: Write ID3v2 genres as text, not a number
    * [e413f8d]( Don't fallback to different OS Yarn Cache
    * [ce83604]( Adding help on release group
    * [9da08d7]( Fixed: FileList Search String [ [#2470]( ]
    * [7ad7680]( Fixed: Improve Log Cleansing
    * [9c790bc]( Update Github Templates [skip ci] [ [#2489]( ]
    * [8a5d523]( Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
    * [45a13a8]( Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
    * [a7114c3]( Translated using Weblate (Italian)
    * [0fb20fa]( Bump macOS build agent to 10.15
    * [859ca2c]( New: Support reflink on xfs
    * [85f369b]( Fixed: Time column is first column on events page
    * [54161c4]( Clarified Aria2 RPC Path field. [ [#2465]( ]
    * [cc9e073]( Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified) (zh\_CN))
    * [0b53fae]( Fixed: Prowl notification priority
    * [44e91e6]( Fixed: Correctly detect mounts in FreeBSD jails
    * [31881a2]( Fixed: Calender .ics feed [ [#2452]( ]
    * [be53503]( Fixed: Bad login redirect using a reverse proxy
    * [3ac2401]( New: Add logging is release is rejected because no download URL is available
    * [d30e0fe]( Fixed: Qbit torrents treated as failed after error
    * [b1aef10]( Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
    * [8330496]( update contributing [skip ci] ([#2432]( [ [#2404]( ]
    * [a75a196]( Initial pass for translations
    * [93aa50b]( New: Log which DB is being migrated
    * [8573065]( New: Renamed Blacklist to Blocklist
    * [0d7b6f8]( Fixed: Compatibility with the new Download Station API [ [#2289](, [#2338]( ]
    * [7548c17]( New: Aria2 [ [#2334](, [#2385]( ]
    * [eae9bd1]( Added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
    * [725c07e]( New: Change Today color in calendar for better visibility
    * [f6a1118]( New: Disable autocomplete of port number
    * [729a876]( New: Localization Framework
    * [99ccaab]( Fixed: Invalid sortkey on artists.sortName
    * [388a43a]( Update swagger.json
    * [782bdcc]( Fixed: Real IP logging when IPv4 is mapped as IPv6
    * [33409cf]( Fixed: Log files should not be cached
    * [0332356]( Fixed: Forms login page uses urlbase for logo
    * [222b56e]( Fixed: Forms login with urlbase
    * [5b2affc]( Fixed: UI not updating on upgrade
    * [2b0da54]( Tidy conversion to aspnetcore
    * [876376c]( Fixed: Memory leak
    * [ccc417e]( Fix deleting providers
    * [7fe36a7]( New: Use native dotnet host and DryIoc
    * [c247d07]( New: Use ASP.NET Core instead of Nancy
    * [fe956f3]( Unused
    * [f4d506f]( update bug report [skip ci]
    * [343b66a]( docs: remove duplicate entries
    * [dfde4d6]( Fixed: Log active indexers instead of implying all indexers are searched
    * [3d1437b]( Fixed: Updated wiki links for WikiJS
    * [07aad32]( Fixed: Corrected Indexer Category Help Text
    * [27669f4]( Avoid double fetch of QualityDefinitions ([#2370](
    * [9f1d444]( Fixed: Allow repeated import attempts until downloaded files appear
    * [f7925ff]( Fixed: NullReferenceException manually importing an unparseable release
    * [334044a]( Fixed: Albums added by disk scan have correct monitored status
    * [b7fb871]( git updates [skip ci]
    * [27c4855]( Fixed: Peers filtering in Interactive Search results
    * [8522991]( Fixed: Notifiarr Health Issue Level
    * [4d16da8]( Update bug report template [skip ci]
    * [6eb70d2]( Fixed: Remove checkbox to unmonitor tracks on delete
    * [dd3ea74]( Fixed: Error changing artist metadata profile
    * [a6be930]( Update PULL\_REQUEST\ [skip ci]
    * [dd0353e]( New: Add Size column to Activity: Queue ([#2310](
    * [f001ef0]( Remove unused GetDotNetVersion method
    * [bb073e1]( fix concurrency so runs don't cancel [skip ci]
    * [d8d74f5]( fixup radarr ref
    * [1a44d53]( New: mono disk and process provider cleaning
    * [57bd659]( New: Even More Mono Cleaning
    * [2cc114c]( New: Drop mono support
    * [f1ba8a0]( Don't start integration tests too soon
    * [cb62775]( Remove legacy code that accessed config.xml without a lock
    * [7b4b4ef]( Use coverlet package that doesn't clobber dependencies
    * [f12ae15]( New: .NET 5 support for FreeBSD 11+
    * [b800b17]( Package updates
    * [9ba87ce]( Fixed: Adding indexers from presets
    * [b0ea655]( New: Use System.Text.Json for Nancy and SignalR
    * [9d265ef]( Move test harness packages into Directory.Build.props
    * [de1968e]( Fixed: Don't ignore default Boolean in db serialization
    * [c1a6e1c]( New: Build with NET5
    * [a8b6f70]( Multiple Email Address [ [#2043](, [#2074](, [#2138](, [#2145](, [#2148]( ]
    * [6842c56]( Fixed: Parsing RSS with null values [ [#2187](, [#1730]( ]
    * [0b60ca6]( New: Mailgun connection
    * [9424a46]( Prevent sync jobs from running in parallel
    * [6c9808f]( New: Webpack 5, UI Package Updates
    * [3722099]( New: Manual Import rejection column is sortable
    * [c24678d]( Removed extraneous enum hints in dropdown
    * [a88f32f]( New: Added Prowlarr donation link
    * [1461a90]( Update login.html
    * [549f2a4]( Create azuresync.yml
    * [26e3864]( Update Discord Notification Job
    * [81d8583]( Git updates ([#2300]( [ [#2299]( ]
    * [f287c82]( New: Activity Queue: Rename Timeleft column to Time Left ([#2293](
    * [d5bd169]( New: Indexer Categories no longer Advanced option ([#2267](
    * [2573e96]( Fixed: Root Folder Downloads check giving errors when RuTorrent is used ([#2266](
    * [bc6261e]( New: Show User Agent in System->Tasks for externally triggered commands ([#2261](
    * [9b673c0]( New: Health Check for Downloads to Root Folder ([#2234](
    * [9ba4486]( Don't run build for weblate PRs
    * [5cca953]( New: Add rel="noreferrer" to all external links
    * [103a3a9]( Github workflows for Issue lock and Support bot [skip ci]
    * [d5b71ac]( Fixed: Refresh queue count when navigating Activity: Queue
    * [ec3dbea]( Git template update [skip ci] ([#2220](
    * [bd0e189]( Fixed: Discordnotifier is now Notifiarr [ [#2130](, [#2221]( ]
    * [44bd224]( Update indexer category help text … (and make cats advanced) [ [#2184]( ]
    * [cbdec6d]( Fixed: Import Lists provider message in UI
    * [e188885]( New: MusicBrainz Series use as import list
    * [ff6ca24]( Update BuildInfoFixture.cs
    * [2316223]( Bump to 1.0
    * [811a5c5]( New: Remove completed downloads from disk when removing from SABnzbd
    * [436de24]( New: ISO 8601 Date format in log files [ [#2192]( ]
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    Fixed: Mark "BAD" Nzbget Downloads as Failed
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    Fixes #4152
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    New: Added links to wiki and examples from add/edit custom tags dialog