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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release or final updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Lidarr within an existing docker container.*** Doing so will prevent audio fingerprinting from working and break your Lidarr installation if you ever delete and re-create the container.
    * [3fcd8af]( Fixed: Set musl status at compile time
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    *To receive further Pre-Release or final updates for a non-docker installation, please change the branch to **develop**. (Settings -> General (Show Advanced Settings) -> Updates -> Branch)*
    **If you are using docker you will need to update the container image. *Do not attempt to update Lidarr within an existing docker container.*** Doing so will prevent audio fingerprinting from working and break your Lidarr installation if you ever delete and re-create the container.
    * [9bf6db4]( Remove Sab ToPP Status
    * [709d01a]( Fixed CompletedDownloadService tests [ [#1869]( ]
    * [d0faeaf]( Update indexer category parameters for the other nyaa ([#1764](
    * [b9f91db]( New: Speed up Bulk Artist Deletions
    * [8e92c55]( Better task interval fetching
    * [b335256]( Fixed: Update path before importing to ensure it hasn't changed [ [#1847]( ]
    * [e6489ea]( Fixed: Blank Page after Delete for Index/Editor (Avoid null broadcasts)
    * [77b565c]( Fixed: Remove AlbumFolder column in Mass Editor
    * [99924e9]( Fixed: Prevent Album Editor Error due to Statistics
    * [2cb36e6]( Update wiki link hints for health checks [ [#1880]( ]
    **See More**
    * [0c6468d]( Fixed: ImportList Fails on Album Not Found [ [#1725]( ]
    * [0ae1b3a]( Fixed: False positive in remote path check with transmission [ [#1771]( ]
    * [36a1d19]( update bug template [skip ci] [ [#1919]( ]
    * [84f9b8c]( New: Discord notification upgrade colour
    * [8737845]( New: Changed colour of Discord On Download notifications
    * [05323bd]( New: Customizable Discord Notifications
    * [f8f8573]( TagSelect field type
    * [416104f]( Use for test images
    * [02643d4]( Return max tooltip width
    * [5409dd9]( Fix tooltip max width on larger screens
    * [867a7c5]( Fixed: Episode history details tooltip jumping around
    * [bcc9b59]( Fixed: Tooltips overflowing the screen width
    * [7b43657]( Fixed: Spotify playlists not shown after authentication
    * [419ec2b]( New: Require Encryption option for email [ [#1908]( ]
    * [a943636]( New: Replace SmtpClient with Mailkit [ [#1891]( ]
    * [ada650b]( New: Import from another Lidarr Instance [ [#1054]( ]
    * [9eafb8f]( Fixed: Error handling when cannot create folder in Recycling Bin
    * [0d7dbf8]( Fixed Agenda Time wrapping
    * [774a359]( New: Remove AlbumFolder, Support Nested Track Format
    * [8063a32]( Fixed: FolderWritable check for CIFS shares mounted in Unix
    * [0d00dbb]( Fixed: Unnecessary certificate validation errors on localhost/loopback
    * [d510a47]( New: Treat Manual Bad in history as failed
    * [3523eb6]( Fix freeleech tests
    * [58e23c9]( New: Freeleech support for Redacted / Gazelle
    * [65647bd]( Fixed: Don't delete redacted passkey when editing indexer
    * [c845494]( Fixed: '/artist' URL Base breaking UI navigation
    * [ef5d1b2]( New: Allow quality size limits to be closer together
    * [e2cd4d6]( New: Renamed Quick Import to Move Automatically [ #4210 ]
    * [7be8d76]( its 2021 [skip ci]
    * [4e41c3b]( New: Sort interactive import by path by default
    * [2499bb5]( Fixed: Properly detect failed responses from Navidrome
    * [24f96fa]( Fixed: Don't try to clean Update Folder if it doesn't exist
    * [99a7540]( Really ignore ResizeObserver loop errors
    * [c3c8cb4]( Build Cleanup
    * [2811908]( Fixed: 'iso-8859-2' is not a supported encoding name
    * [87f8a7f]( Use createHandleActions for adding/removing commands so itemMap is synced properly
    * [9914f9a]( New: Removing update folder from temp folder during housekeeping
    * [00e1568]( Fixed: Backups interval being used as minutes instead of days
    * [9370e49]( Fixed: Restored robots.txt
    * [118be1f]( Fixed: Timespan over 1 month shown incorrectly
    * [bb8ec05]( Fixed: Backup interval is updated on change
    * [cb84829]( Fix BasicRepository Tests when not on UTC
    * [60d1a7f]( Fixed: Update statistics if album deleted
    * [23f8ec1]( Fixed: Remove albums with no acceptable releases from search results
    * [879038e]( Fixed: Display of album release with many countries
    * [92aae86]( Fixed: Restoring large database backups
    * [1be3cda]( Fixed: Search by MusicBrainz ID
    * [c3f6b86]( Bump netcore 3.1.10
    * [1bbb9d8]( fix readme wiki badge [skip ci]
    * [1268f90]( New: Update all wiki links to point to the Servarr Wiki
    * [eb5a95c]( Quick fix for Queue sort by Artist SortName [ [#1817]( ]
    * [80fe567]( Add SortKey validation
    * [4481919]( Fixed: False Positives for RemotePath check with Deluge
    * [bb6cdfe]( Don't nag linux x86 users to switch to net core
    * [e912ef6]( Fixed: Show TLS errors in UI when testing download clients
    * [1baf415]( Pass no parameter instead of null parameter on Kodi Update
    * [84f5a34]( Kodi GetMovies fails due to Parameter Type
    * [74a0574]( Resource missing from Gotify call
    * [13a228d]( Gotify token as query parameter
    * [12f5f8e]( Convert Notifications from RestSharp to HttpClient
    * [7566f68]( Fixed: Manual Import Fails on failed Import Items
    * [72658dd]( Fixed binary execute permissions for osx and Radarr
    * [52240bb]( Fixed disk permission tests
    * [e2a0b63]( New: Displaying folder-based permissions in UI rather than file-based permissions and with selectable sane presets
    * [40df88e]( Readded 0 cat to the end of the Newznab list
    * [2e4b168]( Improve use of All() for Path related queries
    * [796eba8]( Mass Editor size and options
    * [adc47c5]( Fixed: Size on disk sorting and display
    * [3a1abfa]( New: Differentiate between short term and long term (more than 6 hours) indexer failures
    * [5827f34]( Fixed: (Windows) clean up extraneous files in build folder during installation
    * [d7183f9]( New: Bulk remove from Blacklist
    * [4a9d870]( New: Show .net version in UI
    * [9af68b6]( Fixed: Cleanse account and passwd from Download Station URLs
    * [395da6c]( Fixed: Webhooks using lower case event types (in the future this could change)
    * [acda741]( New: Health events for Webhooks
    * [5a15565]( Fixed: Failing file copy when running in docker on synology with btrfs
    * [c92b254]( Fixed: Regression causing updater to fail (manual update required if on, see forums)
    * [2c22ed2]( Fixed: Dataloss when moving series folder to root folder with only different casing
    * [b63dde0]( Fixed: Parsing of URLs with double slashes in the path
    * [9b1bbae]( New: Newznab/Torznab categories dropdown with indexer provided category names
    * [2d8657a]( Handle ratelimit api response for newznab caps endpoint on certain newznab indexers that have caps behind the apikey
    * [72d93e5]( Fixed: Preview rename tip wording
    * [9bf9810]( Fixed: Artist/Album navigation buttons hidden with some titles
    * [960d738]( Fixed: Links and already added icons overflowing on add artist/album search results
    * [4d90dae]( Fixed: Exception when parsing Quality in release title with colon
    * [724ece5]( Fixed: Long paths overflowing in artist history
    * [62724e7]( Don't process queue item without details
    * [2f3888f]( Fixed: Show more information in UI when testing SAB fails in some cases
    * [e2d1b25]( Fixed: Typo/unclear text in backup retention
    * [16b9e88]( Remove stacktrace if hardlink resulted in EXDEV.
    * [330988c]( Fixed: Performance of symbolic link detection and infinite recursion
    * [9eb5b33]( New: Fast copy using reflink on btrfs volumes
    * [4f220d9]( Fixed: Removed hardlink-based transactional file transfer logic (instead relying on explicit copy+delete for cifs)
    * [d61a685]( Fixed: Sorting of queue by artist title when unknown items are included
    * [6657777]( Moved Windows-only Permission function to Lidarr.Windows
    * [e8b1494]( fix modifiers for various classes
    * [bc12f5c]( Fixed: Indexer being disabled due to download client rejecting it
    * [25ed9e5]( New: Add size to track files in Webhook payload
    * [0ee4810]( Added PrivacyLevel option to FieldDefinition for later usage
    * [7ca438f]( Added MultiSelect input control for provider settings
    * [3ccc306]( New: Added indexer support
    * [e5f4895]( New: Removed chown and simplified chmod options for linux/osx
    * [b0c7530]( Allow inline markdown in the changelog for linking to wiki
    * [1113c4c]( Fixed: Not removing seeded download if it was manual imported in some cases
    * [1d049ab]( Fixed: Rejections custom filter for Interactive Search (now Rejections Count)
    * [9b934e9]( Improve root folder health check
    * [998a2df]( New: SendGrid Notifications
    * [4eac1c5]( Pull DownloadClientItemClientInfo part of 824d315a
    * [1058b03]( Fixed: Use QBittorrent category savepath for healthcheck
    * [efef2f3]( Fixed: Import single file torrents with a folder from QBittorrent
    * [fc104f9]( Protect against Qbittorrent edgecase if users add torrents manually with Keep top-level folder disabled
    * [39b57cf]( Fixed: Get actual file names from QBittorrent API (#5226)
    * [0232e8c]( Ignore ResizeObserver loop limit errors
    * [143a133]( Removed unnecessary importlists warning.
    * [2fbbeda]( Give systemd a bit more time to restart sonarr after update
    * [4107d6a]( Add a connect for Discord Notifier
    * [0148418]( Use Arch and Runtime when getting list of update changes
    * [5da0419]( update GH Issue Templates [skip ci]
    * [7480ba9]( update readme [skip ci]
    * [25845ae]( Jetbrains logos for readme [skip ci]
    * [b22e9dc]( add wiki link & other minor changes [skip ci]
    * [bcfa856]( Win x86 Builds
    * [eb97568]( Add NeutralLanguage for build in VS 16.8
    * [724125a]( Bumped Sabnzbd default history request size from 30 to 60
    * [f7f6279]( Fixed: Show feed URL if incorrect mime type is found
    * [3011f50]( Add album MBId to custom script
    * [8681f3b]( Fix lint issues on backend
    * [4251ca6]( New: Warning when combining preferred words with a specific indexer
    * [e5e69be]( Fixed: Copying passwords
    * [c00cbb8]( Take Screenshot on Automation tests for build status notifications
    * [c08c516]( Version should be 0.8 for nightly releases
    * [3b34b6f]( Update Discord Invite
    * [d5d2fa5]( Update Frontend Packages [ [#1627](, [#1628](, [#1629](, [#1630](, [#1631](, [#1632](, [#1633](, [#1634](, [#1635](, [#1636](, [#1637](, [#1638](, [#1639](, [#1640](, [#1641](, [#1642](, [#1643](, [#1644](, [#1645](, [#1646](, [#1650](, [#1651]( ]
    * [b26b193]( Fixed: Added .org to website url filtering in parser
    * [7732855]( Fixed recursion issue when emptying recycle bin
    * [67822e6]( Fixed: Tag details list series in alphabetical order
    * [8af0959]( Added UserAgent to api request trace log
    * [8074607]( New: Add DownloadClient and DownloadId to Webhook notifications
    * [dca8495]( Fixed: Root folder custom filter in Mass Editor
    * [1327cac]( Clarify that Post-Import Category torrents are not monitored by Sonarr.
    * [149b42b]( Fixed: Windows installer won't create shortcut if unchecked
    * [909dffc]( Improved error message when nzb download contains an newznab error instead
    * [919d166]( Fixed: Ended overlay on artist posters
    * [4857828]( Rename FilterFiles to FilterPaths
    * [f4beb54]( Fixed: Queue not always clearing checked items when updated
    * [4e28d42]( New: Don't close manual import when clicking outside the modal
    * [3bcb6ef]( Fixed flaky test.
    * [ef230d1]( Log contents on api errors during tests.
    * [ab8a9ca]( Updated kodi url
    * [9b4c09b]( Fixed: Indicate unchecking Replace Illegal Characters will remove them ([#1614](
    * [b64b7bc]( Fixed: Typo on Indexer card clone tooltip [skip ci]
    * [085b07a]( Always scan after manual refresh
    * [9714186]( Fixed: Create album metadata on import
    * [bf0617f]( Fixed: Generating Kodi episode metadata files when scanning series folder
    * [a085dd3]( Fixed: Metadata files not being created after rescan
    * [2982478]( Trigger fewer signalr broadcasts
    * [49b89f1]( Fixed: Write the correct album/releasegroup ids for XBMC/Emby
    * [d10469d]( Fixed: Refreshing Plex Server series in high volume systems
    * [9945c98]( Revert Cached changes from [bb02d73](
    * [ace7371]( Fixed enter in modal confirmation dialogs
    * [58cb0dc]( Indexer Priority ESLint fixes
    * [2655430]( New: Index priority
    * [c913194]( Fixed: Can ignore queue items with unknown album
    * [88122be]( Fixed: Ignore .@\_\_thumb folders
    * [319e1c4]( Fixed: Tooltip for existing artist/album on add new item
    * [c92de8d]( Fixed: Strip AlteZachen from release group name
    * [2b9cd64]( Fixed: Don't try to render quality when it's null
    * [a773f9e]( Fixed: Error rending queue row when quality is missing
    * [0472b43]( New: RSS Sync button on Calendar
    * [22be682]( Added update check early in startup if the package requested a post-install update check
    * [d0b080f]( Update help text in Connections from Download to Import
    * [02cd5fa]( Fixed scrolling issue in Root Path selector dropdown on mobile
    * [b576d3d]( Fix checkingUP qbit status unit test
    * [54c3b70]( Fixed: Treated checkingUP status from Qbit as queued in case it fails to validate [ [#1363]( ]
    * [37d294d]( Fixed: Preferred word can't have a term that is empty or only spaces [ [#1361]( ]
    * [4740233]( Fixed: Don't corrupt OPUS files when tagging them
    * [7f82439]( Fixed: Removing torrents from Vuze
    * [be88010]( New: Don't forcibly retest indexers/download clients/connections on save if previously enabled
    * [0581ff4]( New: Handle missingFiles status from qBit
    * [c6d49c6]( Fixed: Replace : with \_ when getting output path from Transmission
    * [aaebbbf]( Fixed: Remove website post fix before parsing
    * [efcc9ab]( Linting error
    * [b47638f]( Fix Release Push log statement
    * [a035a78]( New: Added option to filter Release Profile to a specific indexer
    * [06c79b2]( New: Clone indexer button
    * [5bf4be3]( Fixed: Manual Import sorting by quality
    * [04aebab]( Fixed: Moving artist folders in subfolders of the root folder when destination subfolder was missing
    * [812e4ca]( Fixed: Prompt to restart after resetting API key
    * [c0aa16d]( Fixed: Sorting by track count
    * [864a1d9]( Added Norwegian Bokmal alias
    * [1da52d1]( Fixed: Representation of episode start time when not starting at the full hour in am/pm notation
    * [affd351]( Fixed: RestClient does not use global proxy settings
    * [acee291]( New: Limit recent folders in Manual import to 10 and descending order
    * [45a3770]( Fix proptype warning for id of EnhancedSelectInputOption
    * [df7db89]( Remove website prefixes with dashes in URL
    * [63bec41]( Fixed: Details for episode history flashing on mobile devices
    * [f2b8a08]( Remove from Presets
    * [70f80fd]( Fixed: Test All not clearing health error
    * [ac1c902]( Improved some log messages
    * [c0fede5]( Fixed: Delete files from Artist Mass Editor not actually deleting files
    * [341c42d]( Tiny fix in test, left-over from my on-windows test.
    * [b1a56e7]( Fixed: File imports on cloud drives slow due to transaction logic
    * [3f96208]( Fixed: Use Proxy for MediaCovers and Metadata
    * [8c657dd]( Fixed: Set permissions on extra and subtitle files
    * [10b7d0d]( Fixed: Include releases that failed to parse in search results
    * [d72014e]( New: Event Driven HealthCheck Support
    * [8d8cbd0]( Fixed: Disregard Real when user disabled proper preference
    * [6713525]( Simplify ManualImportModule null check
    * [e8e4d76]( Fixed: Edge case where import fails due to DB relationship mismatch
    * [f66a6ee]( Fixed: Improved failed series search messaging
    * [7860f9e]( Fixed: Manage Tracks not showing whether language/quality meets cutoff
    * [5bca13b]( Fixed: Delay profile being ignored for non-revision upgrades
    * [dbdc805]( Remove unnecessary usings
    * [ae46d5a]( Remove Dotnet Framework Version Checks
    * [2b5c478]( New: Add label to disk usage progress bar
    * [73c5bb9]( Update README and CONTRIBUTING
    * [8abff4a]( Cache Yarn Packages on build
    * [09ebfe0]( Catchup Linting
    * [b7a9f26]( jsconfig for a bit of autocompletion and intellisense [ [#1460]( ]
    * [c6794fd]( Delete appveyor.yml
    * [3e082df]( Fixed: Error fetching paged records from API without a sort key
    * [7aa3ad1]( Fixed: Don't search twice for new albums on new artists
    * [a35e773]( New: Make monitored flags clickable
    * [1bc52d0]( Fixed: restoring scroll position when going back to index page
    * [e681469]( Fixed: Speed up AlbumStudio
    * [dce6921]( Speed up all albums endpoint
    * [5ddac7a]( Fixed: Trigger search when new album added via import list
    * [12d6b5e]( Fixed: Don't refresh and rescan artist when new album added
    * [0e78135]( Switch Automation to Chrome for Test Speed
    * [e836b79]( Fixed: Imported downloads not being removed when seeding goals are met [ [#1400]( ]
    * [1d58b33]( Fixed: Remove seeded downloads if they've finished seeding after import [ [#1389]( ]
    * [e0d880f]( Small change to creating an itemMap during item update [ [#1381]( ]
    * [65caac3]( Fixed: Import series failing to add items to process [ [#1380]( ]
    * [bc5f78b]( Add class to allow for overriding scrollbar width [ [#1379]( ]
    * [e8f4b5f]( Fixed: Removed items in queue still showing until refresh [ [#1378]( ]
    * [50d1810]( Fixed: Don't process downloads removed from the client [ [#1377]( ]
    * [c996643]( Don't re-trigger completed event [ [#1376]( ]
    * [89cbf0c]( Use createItemMap like Sonarr
    * [014eb27]( Fixed: Speed up UI during refresh
    * [e1a62af]( Fix test
    This list of changes was [auto generated](
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·
    691d104c · add dependency for fpcalc ·