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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 6.0.0
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** I've completely rewritten the wrapper for windows. It's not a packaged python script anymore but an actually compiled binary. This has a couple of benefits: No more false positives from virus scanners (VirusTotal shows 5/72). No more temporary files not being cleaned up after a crash. The files are (a bit) smaller.
    I don't plan to compile the wrapper for anything but windows as it makes more sense and is easier to run the python wrapper instead.
    **Feature** The temp folder can be set using the environment variable NZBHYDRA\_TEMP\_FOLDER. See [#984](
    **Fix** IPs or usernames were not shown in the history. See [#932](
    **Fix** Removed annoying and misleading warning regarding memory leaks when shutting down process.
    **Fix** Improved logging of outdated wrappers.
    **Fix** Properly remove system tray icon after shutdown
  • 5.3.11
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** Support NZBIndex API. I'm honestly not sure if there's a difference in the results but you'll be able to get more than 250 results. See [#930](
    **Fix** Delete temporary file created during backup. See [#931](
  • 5.3.10
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** 5.3.9 didn't start properly. Sorry...
  • 5.3.9
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** Secure dev endpoints that could be used to crash open NZBHydra instances. See [#923](
  • 5.3.8
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** When configuring external tools a trailing slash in the host value (e.g. <http://localhost:1234/>) would result in an error.
    **Note** With the release of Sonarr v4 I've renamed the entry for Sonarr from v3 to v3+.
  • 5.3.7
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
  • 5.3.5
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** The compiled python wrapper exes were unfortunately flagged as a virus / malware by some antivirus engines (wrongly, of course). Unfortunately I've been unable to find a solution that results in a flawless scan. The best I can achieve right now is getting the big ones to not flag it. I'll try to report the files as false positives. Sorry for the inconvenience. See [#901](
  • 5.3.3
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** Windows releases didn't run on intel CPUs (see what I wrote below about this being hard?). See [#899](
  • 5.3.2
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** Slightly changed the search results layout: Increased table width, increased title space, reduced row height. Let me know what you think.
    **Fix** Windows release of 5.3.1 crashed on startup. I didn't catch that because my build pipeline only runs the linux executable and *usually* they behave the same. See [#889](
    **Fix** Windows wrappers didn't run on Windows 7. As you can see getting everything to work properly on windows is a pain in the ass. See [#889](
    **Note** If you're on windows you will probably get some errors on startup related to DLLs that could not be loaded. You can ignore these. They should be gone after you've updated the wrapper exes.
  • 5.3.1
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** Use UTF-8 encoding when writing XML regardless of system encoding. This should ensure properly encoded results for japanese characters etc. See [#841](
    **Fix** Do not overwrite java executable provided as runtime parameter.
  • 5.2.0
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** In case of hard crashes of the main process it will automatically be restarted unless the last automatic restart was less than 15 seconds ago (to prevent loops)
    **Note** Windows releases now only contain three exe files (and documents) and no more DLL files
    **Fix** Hard crashes of the main process will now be logged properly. See [#892](
    **Note** All these changes require the wrapper files to be updated.
    **Note** I also updated a lot of libraries - hopefully no bugs ;-)
  • 5.1.11
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** Allow to configure Radarr v5 automatically. See [#889](
  • 5.1.10
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** You can now ask Binsearch to search in all usenet groups instead of just the most popular ones. See [#875](
    **Feature** Custom mappings can now be configured to only match parts of a string. For example you can use them to remove all dots in a query with a space or just remove all numbers or whatever. See [#879](
    **Fix** Filter out "no-cover.jpg" covers returned by NZB Finder. See [#872](
  • 5.1.9
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** Forbidden words were not correctly built for NZB Finder. See [#872](
  • 5.1.8
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** When making changes in the config that required a restart to be effective you wouldn't be asked to restart. This means that when enabling auth and not restarting, the UI would think auth was required but the backend wouldn't be able to process form logins, resulting in misleading error messages.
  • 5.1.7
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** Allow filtering results by age in hours or minutes. See [#790](
    **Fix** Make download history age filter a numeric filter.
    **Fix** Better handle indexer not supporting a certain function. See [#856](
    **Fix** The built-in update did not download the correct assets for generic runtimes. See [#857](
    **Fix** The wrapper script could not properly detect the installation type when not run from the project's base folder.
    **Fix** Debug info creation failed with custom mappings configure.
  • 5.1.6
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Fix** Custom regex groups in custom query mapping didn't work. I also improved the handling of the test dialog.
    **Fix** Animetosho (newznab) didn't work when added as a new indexer and searching in the anime category. See [#854](
  • 5.1.5
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** Improve UI error messages even more.
    **Fix** Windows exe (no console) was bugged. So much stuff that can go wrong..
    **Fix** Links in the discord releases channel were malformatted.
    **Fix** Import from jackett didn't work. See [#832](
    **Fix** Uploading debug infos works again (with a different hoster).
  • 5.1.4
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** Added flags to enable some checks in the wrapper to make it easier for package maintainer. See [#847](
    **Fix** The python2 wrapper didn't work. See [#845](
    **Fix** Improved handling of shutdown and unexpected errors in the windows wrapper executable.
    **Fix** Fix 'undefined' error when trying to access various functions like sending URLs to your downloader. This was caused by a change in the framework where URLs with trailing slashes would not be matched anymore. See [#844](
    **Fix** Provide better error messages when UI functions failed. Hopefully this time without fucking up authentication...
    **Fix** The ID search fix I added in 5.1.2? It only works for TV search. I had tested the indexers with query based TV searches and it worked and I had assumed it would work with movies as well. But that would be too easy, wouldn't it? NZBGeek does supporty any keyword in the TV search, but not for movies. Dog and NZBGeek do support keywords in movies, but they keywords are only applied to the title, so you can't provide the quality, i.e. you can's search for a movie by ID and filter it by quality (e.g. 1080p). As I can't properly determine if a query is to be part of the title or of the rest I will switch to regular searches whenever TV or movie searches are used for these indexers with queries present. See [#842](
  • 5.1.2
    8a19bb22 · update release file name ·
    **Feature** Package / docker image maintainers which make changes to the wrapper files can disable them by setting the environment variable NZBHYDRA\_DISABLE\_WRAPPER\_CHECK. See [#839](
    **Feature** You can call the endpoint /actuator/health/ping to check if NZBHydra2 is up. Authentication will not be required. See [#837](
    **Fix** After importing trackers from jackett saving the resulting config would sometimes fail. See [#832](
    **Fix** Don't show a notification was disabled when it actually wasn't because temporary errors are ignored. See [#840](
    **Fix** Previously some indexers did not support TV search without IDs. This seems to have been fixed so now TV / movie search will be used even with keyword based queries. See [#842](