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* [907568c]( dontorrent: new domain
* [cd157d4]( torrentsir: bump domain
* [e90a5ac]( gazellegames: remove the html indexer. [#15263](
* [28f3866]( rudub: bump domain
* [98bcea9]( GazelleGamesAPI: update categories
* [fb45fcd]( polishsource: removed. resolves [#266](
* [06141b7]( seedfile: new cat
* [5edb74e]( happyfappy: update cats
* [467c1d8]( torrentcore: add search error handling
* [d502ef6]( torrent-pirat: update cats

**See More**
* [49591b1]( core: Add option to disable root privileges warning ([#15264](

This list of changes was [auto generated](