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* [5a287c0]( danishbytes-api: remove old mirror
* [c893506]( torlock: add cert exception. resolves [#1650](
* [fadff95]( Update capybarabr.yml
* [b4b337a]( bigfangroup: drop referer and fix keywordless resolves [#6275](
* [4db2fe5]( capybarabr: default single\_file\_release\_use\_filename to false [#15278](
* [84d2b5f]( krazyzone: remove old cert exception
* [b8dc1f2]( frozenlayer: remove old cert exception
* [b92d15d]( actions: fix potential github action smells ([#15274](
* [6cf2285]( capybarabr: remove single\_file\_release\_use\_filename support. resolves [#15278](
* [8da3684]( oldtoonsworld: -> 8.0.2

**See More**
* [e5e0f1d]( rudub: bump domain
* [a22fed3]( marinetracker: new cats

This list of changes was [auto generated](