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* src/Ombi/ClientApp/package.json & src/Ombi/ClientApp/yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities ([#5040]( [skip ci] ([955a742](
* src/Ombi/ClientApp/package.json & src/Ombi/ClientApp/yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities ([#5072]( [skip ci] ([af6a986](
* src/Ombi/Ombi.csproj to reduce vulnerabilities ([#5066]( [skip ci] ([71df058](
* upgrade @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from 6.4.2 to 6.5.0 ([#5053]( [skip ci] ([5017e38](
* upgrade @types/jquery from 3.5.27 to 3.5.28 ([#5049]( [skip ci] ([2c8fe80](
* upgrade moment from 2.29.4 to 2.30.1 ([#5075]( [skip ci] ([460fa39](
* upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk ([#5073]( [skip ci] ([a27b459](

What's Changed

* [Snyk] Security upgrade protractor from 5.4.4 to 7.0.0 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5072](
* [Snyk] Security upgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer from 6.0.9 to 6.0.26 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5066](
* [Snyk] Upgrade @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from 6.4.2 to 6.5.0 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5053](
* [Snyk] Upgrade @types/jquery from 3.5.27 to 3.5.28 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5049](
* [Snyk] Security upgrade protractor from 5.4.4 to 6.0.0 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5040](
* [Snyk] Upgrade moment from 2.29.4 to 2.30.1 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5075](
* [Snyk] Upgrade: @ngxs/devtools-plugin, @ngxs/store by [@tidusjar]( in [#5073](
* 🌐 Translations Update by [@tidusjar]( in [#5076](
* chore: Angular 17 upgrade by [@tidusjar]( in [#5082](

**Full Changelog**: [v4.43.11...v4.43.12](