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* upgrade @microsoft/signalr from 6.0.22 to 6.0.23 ([#5032]( [skip ci] ([11edac9](
* upgrade @types/jquery from 3.5.22 to 3.5.23 ([#5034]( [skip ci] ([9e28879](

What's Changed

* Linkify logo in newsletter by [@Unimatrix0]( in [#5036](
* [Snyk] Upgrade @types/jquery from 3.5.22 to 3.5.23 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5034](
* [Snyk] Upgrade @microsoft/signalr from 6.0.22 to 6.0.23 by [@tidusjar]( in [#5032](
* bugfix (mutliple servers): attempting to cache the Plex Content in se… by [@Antonin-Bruzard]( in [#5018](

New Contributors

* [@Antonin-Bruzard]( made their first contribution in [#5018](

**Full Changelog**: [v4.43.6...v4.43.7](