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What's Changed

* Fix merge conflict labeling by [@markus101]( in [#6732](
* Translations update from Servarr Weblate by [@ServarrAdmin]( in [#6734](
* macOS tests now run on arm64 by [@markus101]( in [#6761](
* Fix removing completed qBitorrent torrents that use inactive seeding time by [@c4181]( in [#6733](
* Fixed: Improve paths longer than 256 on Windows failing to hardlink by [@markus101]( in [#6739](
* Bump SixLabors.ImageSharp to 3.1.4 by [@mynameisbogdan]( in [#6740](
* New: Validate that folders in paths don't start or end with a space by [@markus101]( in [#6735](
* Bump frontend dependencies by [@mynameisbogdan]( in [#6749](
* New: added environment variable support for all options in config.xml by [@sillock1]( in [#6746](
* New: Add KRaLiMaRKo and BluDragon to release group parsing exceptions by [@mynameisbogdan]( in [#6753](
* Treat CorruptDatabaseException as a startup failure by [@mynameisbogdan]( in [#6754](
* Initially deselect 0 byte files on interactive import by [@stevietv]( in [#6760](
* Fixed: Retrying download on not suppressed HTTP errors by [@mynameisbogdan]( in [#6755](
* Fixed: Limit titles in task name to 10 series by [@mynameisbogdan]( in [#6756](

New Contributors

* [@c4181]( made their first contribution in [#6733](
* [@sillock1]( made their first contribution in [#6746](

**Full Changelog**: [v4.0.4.1515...v4.0.4.1572](